Friday, September 20

Dos and Don'ts for the First New Moon of 2021

The opinion


The first new moon of the year occurs in the sign of Capricorn The first new moon of 2021 will be the 12 from January. Photo: Callum Hilton / Pexels

The first new moon of the 2021 will occur the night of 12 and early morning of 12 January , from which, it is given Because of the end of the eclipse season that began last fall and marks the beginning of the lunations of the year that has just begun.

This new moon will take place in Capricorn so, according to astrologers, We must expect movements in matters of work, money and long-term goals. Being a cardinal sign, it is about setting intentions related to material gains and professional success.

Also reads: When will the next new moons of the 2021?

However, this positive inertia contrasts with the alignment of the sun and moon with Pluto, for what can affect us when trying to conquer our real goals. How to make the most of it? From Bustle arrive what to do and what not to do during the first new moon of 2020 .

What you should do during the first new moon of 2021 Focus on your long-term intentions: New moons are the ideal time to inject fresh energy into your life and start new things. The last new moon happened during an eclipse, so that energy has likely unleashed chaos, so this month’s lunation offers the opportunity to connect with our goals of 2021.

Establish real goals: Every new year begins we we set goals that may be unrealistic. But this new moon in Capricorn gives us meaning and helps us analyze which goals are realistic and we can commit to meeting them.

Improve your professional profile: This new moon emphasizes our financial position, so It is advisable to use that energy to create more tools that give us success such as creating a new resume or portfolio, as well as planning a long-term career path.

What not to do during the first new moon of 2020 Expect instant results: Capricorn is a sign that strives for results and knows that there are no shortcuts to success. To achieve your goals you have to take a well-planned route.

No let your competitive side turn you into a ruthless being: Pluto is the planet of power and will be aligned with the new moon, for what this energy can make you more competitive, but it also tends to shine our ruthless side in order to achieve the goals.

Forget about love and romance: The energy of the new moon in January focuses on work and money issues, so the recommendation of astrologers is not to focus so much on the work routine, since in love there are also surprises.

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