Friday, September 20

AMLO condemns “censorship” of Social Networks against Donald Trump; compares behavior with the “Holy Inquisition”

The opinion


“How is it that I censor you and you can no longer transmit?”, AMLO questions without mentioning US President Donald Trump AMLO condemns “censorship” of Social Networks against Donald Trump during the riots in the United States Capitol. Photo: Presidency of Mexico / EFE

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, launched a criticism of Social Networks for the cancellation of the Facebook and Twitter accounts of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, after the riots in the Capitol.

“Something that I didn’t like yesterday about the Capitol affair, I just respect it, but I do not like censorship, I do not like that anyone is censored and takes away the right to transmit a message on Twitter or on ‘Face’ “, said López Obrador in his morning press conference.

Without directly mentioning the US president, López Obrador reiterated his dissatisfaction with the position taken by the Networks Social in “censoring” Donald Trump’s messages.

“ No I agree with that, I do not accept that, we all have to limit ourselves and guarantee freedom. How is it that I censor you and you can no longer transmit? , if we are for freedoms, I say this because social networks exist, “he said.

López Obrador compared the behavior of Social Networks with the Holy Inquisition, an institution linked with the Catholic Church that was dedicated to the condemnation and punishment of heresy during the Middle Ages.

“ Imagine that Twitter as a company decides’ not you, because what you are saying is harmful, harmful or damaging is against good customs of the police and good government side. (…) I punish you because I judge like the Holy Inquisition I consider that what you are saying is harmful ‘, where is the norm? That is a matter of State ”, said the Mexican president.

The Mexican president regretted that by following the behavior of Social Networks in this way, they will become like traditional commercial media such as the New York Times, Washington Post, or the Mexican press critical of his government.

“ Where is the standard even? Where is the legislation? Where is it regulated? . That is a matter of the State, that is not a matter of the companies. That is an important issue because here they have wanted to censor us , well we have always suffered from censorship “, he argued at the end of his lecture.

Keep reading: “There will be no lawsuits with President Biden”: AMLO

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