Friday, September 20

Adamari López is out of breath when challenging for the next start of Exatlón

Adamari López has shared a funny video on her Instagram account where she appears accompanied by her beautiful daughter Alaïa super prepared to support her mother.

The popular presenter would have been challenged to meet a challenge for the next start of the fifth season of Exatlón broadcast by the network Telemundo . In the publication, he is seen in the garden of his house in a black sports outfit and explains that he must perform 26 burpees to be able to conclude homework.

“ Carlos Adyan challenged me to do 26 burpees in In view of the return of Exatlon this 26 of January, in its 5th season, and well we are starting the year and we have to get in shape like the athletes of the competition. Here I go, let’s see how many I make … “, wrote the host of A New Day .

After 9 exercises, the spoiled little girl can no longer run out of breath and exhausted, so the little girl was the one who teamed up with her mother has finished the challenge showing great ability to exercise.