Friday, September 20

You can now buy an FDA-approved COVID-19 test on Amazon

Ya puedes comprar en Amazon una prueba COVID-19 aprobada por la FDA

The single test package costs $ 110 Dollars.

Photo: LIONEL BONAVENTURE / AFP / Getty Images

COVID testing – 19 are in high demand as Cases are increasing, but some people continue to wait a long time in medical centers for them to be applied. Luckily, now there is a coronavirus test that you can do at home and that is available on Amazon .

The Home Saliva Collection Kit, called DxTerity Covid – 19, received an authorization for emergency use last month from the FDA, and thus far appears to be the only home coronavirus test that is for sale in Amazon .

The kit is currently available in a single package costing $ 97 dollars and in a package of 10 tests for $ 1, 000 dollars.

DxTerity says its kit is the first home saliva test to receive this FDA clearance for symptomatic and asymptomatic testing.

The DxTerity kit includes an empty saliva tube, which will be shipped to a Los Angeles-based laboratory with prepaid shipping for to be analyzed. The response time of the results is 24 to 72 hours after sample is received , as reported in CNN .

It should be noted that COVID tests – 19 are available on many sites for free, but some people may be willing to pay a fee for the convenience of testing at home.

DxTerity also said its Saliva test kits are used by more than 130 companies in the US , including Fortune companies 500 and pharmaceutical organizations.

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