Friday, September 20

What to eat and drink to keep your energy levels up throughout the day

Taking a multivitamin will ensure you get vitamins and minerals but it won’t necessarily give you more energy. Instead, a healthy and balanced diet helps you keep your energy levels high throughout the day.

Certain foods, in certain amounts and times, can help you prevent tiredness and fatigue.

What to eat to have energy during the day?

1. Whole grains

Photo: Alexander Mils / Pexels

While simple sugars give you a quick energy boost, healthy carbohydrates can do it throughout the day. The Harvard Nutrition Source notes that the healthiest sources of carbohydrates are the whole grains , unprocessed or minimally processed vegetables, fruits and beans

Some examples of whole grains are wheat bread wholemeal, oatmeal, rye, brown rice, barley and quinoa are better options than white bread highly refined, the bank rice or French fries.

2. Fruits and vegetables

Photo: Shutterstock

Eat at least 5 servings of a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber, nutrients that your body needs to function properly.

3. Beans and fish

Photo: Caio / Pexels

The National Health Service of United Kingdom (NHS) suggests eating legumes such as beans, 2 servings of fish per week, at least one of fatty fish, eggs and other proteins.

4. Healthy fats

Photo: Pixabay

Consume oils such as olive oil and spreadable fats such as avocado and peanut butter in small quantities.

5. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of liquid a day

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If your body has a shortage of fluids, one One of the first signs is a feeling of fatigue. To maintain energy level during a workout , drink an 8-ounce glass of water before starting and another at the end , recommends Harvard Health.

Dairy products

The NHS recommends consuming some dairy or vegetable alternatives such as soy; opt for drinks with less fat and less sugar .

6. You can use caffeine

Photo: Elle Hughes / Pexels

Drinks like coffee can increase or decrease your energy level depending on when and how much you consume. Low to moderate doses of caffeine (50 to 300 mg) may increase alertness, energy, and ability to concentrate. But coffee can also cause insomnia , especially when consumed in large amounts or after 2 p.m.

An 8-ounce cup of coffee contains approximately 96 mg of caffeine.

Small meals and frequent

small meals and snacks every few hours are better than three meals abundant daily. The sandwiches can be a fruit or fruits.

Do not skip breakfast

A balanced breakfast provides the energy your body needs to start the day. Everything your body needs fuel, including your brain. Getting an energetic and healthy breakfast is easier than you might think, the key is to identify what type of food is made up of:

  • Protein (eggs, Greek yogurt, almonds, etc.)
  • Slow absorption carbohydrates (oatmeal, bran cereal, whole wheat bread, etc.)
  • Fruits or vegetables

Simple examples:

    A slice of whole wheat bread with an egg and vegetables.

  • Oatmeal with fruit , a handful of almonds or walnuts and soy or low-fat milk .

Avoid extreme diets

Poor nutrition and inadequate calorie intake can cause fatigue.

What foods to limit

Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels


Avoid alcohol in the afternoon if you want to have energy at night. If you drink alcohol at night it can also affect sleep, interrupts the important REM stage of sleep, causing tiredness the next day.

Added sugar

Photo: Aline Ponce / Pixabay

Candy, cakes, cookies, sodas, chocolates, and some breakfast cereals that have a load of added sugar quickly increase blood glucose. They will give you energy instantly, but it will also drop quickly, which can make you feel tired .

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