Friday, September 20

Washington Capitol: Trump supporters break into the headquarters of the US Congress and force the suspension of the certification of the victory of Joe Biden

Supporters of President Donald Trump broke into the headquarters of the United States Congress on Wednesday while the certification process of Joe Biden’s victory was being carried out.

Then After a massive rally in which Trump participated in front of the White House, hundreds of protesters marched to the Capitol to denounce what they consider an electoral fraud of which there is no evidence.

After confront the police at the entrances, some managed to enter the premises , which led to the suspension of the legislators’ sessions and blocking the access to the halls of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

The two houses of the US Congress were in session to certify the votes cast by the Electoral College last 18 December, which proclaimed Biden president-elect.

What s pro Trump protesters try to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s triumph. The event, which is usually a mere ceremony, has generated great excitement this year, not only because of President Donald Trump’s refusal to accept his defeat, but also because of the determination of some Republican legislators to block the process.

6 questions to understand how Trump and the rebellious Republicans want to reverse Biden’s victory in Congress (and why it is almost impossible for them to achieve it) Mike Pence Transferred Videos posted by journalists on social media show clashes between guards and protesters in the halls of the Capitol .

The Fox news network reports that the police are trying to prevent protesters from entering the main chamber of Congress. 1346901420147167232

Vice President Mike Pence, who was chairing the certification session, was moved to a safe place, while other legislators took shelter in their s offices.

President Trump wrote on Twitter: “Please support our Capitol Police and law enforcement. They really are on the side of our country. Keep the peace! ”

The police were able to arrest some protesters, but dozens managed to enter through the entrances to the Capitol. Thousands of people gathered in Washington DC to support Trump this Wednesday. The Mayor of Washington DC announced a curfew effective as of 14: 00 (23: 05