Friday, September 20

Virginia Governor Outlines New Covid19 Vaccine Plans


Washington Hispanic:

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is urging hospital systems to move quickly to deliver coronavirus vaccines, saying the state will now implement a “use it or lose it” policy designed to accelerate delivery. distribution of vaccines.

“Nobody wants to see any supply sitting unused,” Northam said at a news conference Wednesday, saying health systems that don’t move will fast enough they will receive fewer doses in future rounds of distribution.

With frustration rising from the slow rollout of the vaccine, Northam is one of many state leaders and other politicians around from the United States who are lifting the pressure to get shot at weapons more quickly. The governor, a Democrat, has been criticized by Republicans for the pace of vaccines in the state.

“There is no question we need to speed up the process,” Northam said.

Northam also appointed a new official responsible for coordinating the state’s coronavirus vaccination campaign, and announced details for the first time on who will be included in the second and third levels of the status of vaccination priorities.

Northam said Dr. Danny Avula, the director of the Richmond City and Henrico County health departments, will be in charge of pushing the the state vaccine.

“It will be our overall field coordination work between state officials, local health departments, hospitals and private providers,” Northam said of Avula.

The governor also announced that Virginia had finalized its plans for who would be eligible to receive the vaccine in the next two fa distribution sessions, known as 1B and 1C.

In the current phase, 1A, only healthcare workers and residents of long-term care facilities are eligible for receive a dose.

Northam announced that around 1.2 million people will be eligible for the vaccine in phase 1B, a group that will include essential front-line workers such as police , grocery workers and teachers, along with people older than 75 years and people living in correctional facilities.

In the phase 1C, another 2.5 million Virginians who are considered essential frontline workers will be eligible for vaccines. Workers in those categories include home construction, food service, and transportation and logistics workers.

Detailed guidance on priorities posted online by the state department of health , including how people will be prioritized within each phase. State officials said more details would be forthcoming about how Virginians in categories 1B or 1C can sign up for a chance and where they will be able to receive one.

Although unclear an exact timeline of the implementation of each phase, Northam said he anticipates all Virginians who want a vaccine to be able to get one by the summer. Both vaccines approved in the United States so far require two doses.

The governor urged Virginians to remain vigilant with social distancing measures while they await vaccines.

“We have a long winter ahead of us,” Northam said.