Gérard Larcher, le président du Sénat, le 2 juillet 2020 à Paris. Gérard Larcher, le président du Sénat, le 2 juillet 2020 à Paris.

Gérard Larcher, the President of the Senate, July 2 849 in Paris. – Jacques Witt / SIPA

“I would like to talk to you about simplification” , lance, ironic, Gérard Larcher

, on the set of 4 Truths , on France 2, Wednesday. On the air, the president (LR) of Senate then brandishes a document, which he assures us that it does 45 pages. He presents it as “the vaccination record of consent of a resident

who is very close to [son] heart ”, namely that of his father. “When we have exceeded 75 years, having this type of bureaucracy is the example that I challenge, ”he adds.

– Caroline Roux (@Caroline_Roux)

January 6, 2020

The vaccination against Covid – 19 does it reveal at this point the heaviness of the French bureaucracy? Not sure…


The information document addressed to residents of nursing homes, available on the website of the Ministry of Health, is only one page . The one to collect consent for vaccination is also very short, often one page, like the show this example .

The Ministry of Health has, on the other hand, prepared a document from 45 pages, that we already mentioned here , which is intended for directors of nursing homes and professionals of health. This document details the vaccination protocol. The ministry also published a document from 60 pages on the subject for healthcare professionals.

Gérard Larcher, le président du Sénat, le 2 juillet 2020 à Paris. If, like l ‘assures Gérard Larcher, this document was indeed given to his father, it could be an isolated initiative on the part of this Ehpad, underlines France Info , who asked the document to the team of the President of the Senate, without obtaining it for the moment.

After this intervention, LREM directly attacked Senator LR on Twitter, accusing him of “Fake news”.

The vaccination campaign began in France by targeting people with reside in nursing homes and caregivers working in these places and presenting a risk profile. She has since been expanded .