Friday, September 20

Unsolved 70% of last year's shootings in New York

In addition, most of the few detainees have been released due to the criminal reform and fear of the coronavirus in prisons

Sin resolverse 70% de los tiroteos del año pasado en Nueva York
Impunity and frustration fuel violence

Photo: Andrés Correa Guatarasma / Courtesy

Almost the 70 % of shootings in New York City last year are unsolved, and more than half of suspects arrested in the shooting they have returned to the streets, alerted New York Post.

On average, Police arrested at least one suspect in only 483 of the 1, 544 shootings in 2020, a rate of only 41. 7%, based on NYPD data as of 29 December.

The exact number of individuals caught up to 29 December was 544, an average of approximately 1.2 people for each shooting. But of these 544 accused, only 483 (70%) are currently in state or municipal custody, according to NYPD.

Among the unsolved cases is the shocking stray bullet murder of a baby on 12 July, caught in a long-running feud between rival gangs from Bedford-Stuyvesant, in front of her mother.

“It has been difficult,” she said recently Samantha Gardner, the baby’s paternal grandmother. “My son is not well. He has taken it very seriously. On holidays, instead of celebrating, he goes to the cemetery. ”

It is not a unique case. The shootings in New York increased 96% in 2020 compared to the previous year, and the number has been on the rise since a historic low in homicides in 2017.

NYPD top brass and unions have blamed the shocking rise in shootings on the Mass release of prisoners due to COVID concerns and new criminal reform laws that require judges to release some gun suspects without paying bail , from January 1, 2020.

Critics offer different reasons : unemployment and slowdown in police work , as agents see a decline in morale amid the coronavirus, NYPD riots and budget cuts.

The dissolution of the city’s crime fighting unit , which consisted of 1200 civilian officers roaming the streets in an effort to seize weapons, has also been linked to the increase in shootings.

In both months after the New York Police Department disbanded the unit and reassigned the 600 officers in mid-July, shootings increased 254%.

In this context of collective insecurity, Nearly 9,000 New Yorkers requested carry-ons in 2020, but the NYPD has approved very few, which has apparently triggered illegal trafficking.

Nearly 70 percent of 2020 shootings in NYC are unsolved due to NY City Council “defund the Police” cut backs

– Blue Lives Matter (@RetiredNYCPD)

January 3, 2021