Friday, September 20

The scenes of violence that occurred during the seizure of the Capitol by Trump supporters

Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2020. Photo: MICHAEL REYNOLDS / EFE

The National Guard had to be deployed to contain the invasion of the United States Capitol by Trump supporters who broke a police barricade and made their way inside the headquarters of Congress to interrupt the session in which the results were certified elections in favor of president-elect Joe Biden.

The violent scenes caused by the mob of protesters also left the balance of a woman killed by a gunshot and several injured officers, while the Capitol and Washington DC police did everything they could to protect legislators.

Trumpo’s followers entered the Capitol with violence io. / Photo: JIM LO SCALZO / EFE First responders transport a person to an ambulance in the Capitol. / Photo: MICHAEL REYNOLDS / EFE The and members of other federal law enforcement agencies were mobilized to protect legislators and vacate the Capitol.

The authorities have already cleared the protesters who occupied the Capitol. / Photo: WILL OLIVER / EFE The authorities retaken the United States Capitol. / Photo: MICHAEL REYNOLDS / EFE The photos illustrate some of the unprecedented moments that were lived in Washington DC./Photos: EFE The United States Sergeant at Arms and Capitol Police announced Wednesday night that the United States Capitol building was secure hours after supporters Trump could enter while Congress worked to certify the results of the presidential elections.