Friday, September 20

The scenes of violence that occurred during the seizure of the Capitol by Trump supporters

The day on which Congress had to certify the victory of Democrat Joe Biden in the November elections became a day of chaos and violence in which it was necessary to interrupt the process that normally marks the end of the electoral cycle.

Supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol this Wednesday (the seat of Congress

The assault on the building lasted for hours and was carried out in Washington DC) while the process of certifying the votes of the elections of last November 3 was being carried out. ) left at least one fatality , a woman who was shot in the chest whose identity was not made public.

The Washington DC Metropolitan Police reported that she did 13 arrests and seized five weapons of fire.

The unusual events aroused reactions of rejection or inside and outside the United States.

Trump asked his supporters to go home, although he insisted on his unfounded accusations of electoral fraud.

For his part, president-elect Biden demanded that those who caused the disturbances immediately withdraw and allow democracy to function.

In the evening, Congress resumed its session after the Capitol was vacated and secured.

Enfrentamiento con policías en el Capitolio
Trump supporters managed to evade security at the entrances to Congress.

At BBC Mundo we review the events of this convulsive January 6.

March to the Capitol

After a massive rally in front of the White House in which Donald Trump also participated, hundreds of protesters marched to the Capitol to denounce what consider an electoral fraud of which there is no evidence and that has been rejected by judges in all instances.

After confronting the police on the outskirts of the building, some managed enter the l enclosure , which led to the suspension of the legislators’ sessions and blocking access to the halls of the Senate and House of Representatives.

One of the images that came from the interior of the Capitol.

The two houses of Congress were beginning at that time a joint session to certify the votes cast by the Electoral College last 18, which proclaimed Biden president-elect.

The event, which is usually a mere ceremony, had generated great expectation this year, not only because of Trump’s refusal to accept his defeat, but because of the determination of some Republican legislators to object the process.

Policías apuntando a la puerta del hemiciclo del Congreso de EE.UU. para evitar que entraran los manifestantes.
He This Wednesday’s assault marks the first time that the Capitol has been stormed like this since 1814.

Eviction from the hemicycle

While law enforcement tried to control the situation, legislators took refuge in their offices and Vice President Mike Pence , who was chairing the certification session, was moved to a safe place.

Videos posted by journalists on social networks showed clashes between guards and protesters in the halls of the Capitol .

In images disseminated on the internet, you could see the extremist supporters of the president inside the Senate hemicycle .

BREAKING: revolution in process as Trump supporters break into the Capitol building, attacking police, breaking windows, and knocking down doors

Full anarchy at this “mostly peaceful” demonstration DC

The people have pushed through & are storming to main chambers

– ELIJAH SCHAFFER (@ElijahSchaffer) January 6, 2021

The alca ldesa of Washington DC announced a curfew which came into effect on the 23: 10 local time

(45: 10 GMT).

What was Trump’s reaction

Initially, President Trump made calls for peace through Twitter.

“Please support our Capitol Police and law enforcement. They really are on the side of our country. Keep the peace! ”He wrote.

Protesta en el Capitolio
Pro-Trump protesters try to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s triumph. / Photo: Getty Images

Minutes later he insisted on his call for respect for the law, but voices arose asking him for a firmer sentence or even for him to appear from the White House.

Finally, he shared a video on the same social network in which he asked the protesters to go home, but not before insisting on his idea of that the elections were “a robbery.”

“I know your pain. I know they suffer ”, he is heard saying. “But they have to go home now.”

“We must have peace. We must have law and order. This was a fraudulent election, but we cannot play their game. We have to have peace. ”

Shortly after the police managed to regain control of the Capitol, Trump shared in a new tweet a video in which he addressed his followers as “great patriots” and once abounded in his false theory that the elections were stolen from him, which led to Twitter blocking his account for 13 hours.

Twitter, YouTube and Facebook withdrew the video for incitement to violence and for fueling the theory of electoral fraud.

Protesta en el Capitolio

Protesta en el Capitolio

Protesta en el Capitolio

Before the situation turned violent, during his morning speech, Trump had lashed out at the media and big business technological.

“We will never concede, we will never accept defeat” , stressed defiantly before a crowd that shouted “let’s fight for Trump!”

The rejection of Biden and other figures Capitolio

President-elect Joe Biden also spoke out publicly about the serious events.

“Right now, our democracy is under unprecedented assault, the likes of which we have not seen in modern times,” Biden said vehemently. in a televised intervention.

“An assault on a city of freedom, the Capitol itself. An assault on the representatives of the people, the Capitol Police, public servants (…). It is not a protest, it is an insurrection “, he emphasized.

In the image you can see the police together with protesters lying on the ground. / Photo: Getty Images

For his part, Vice President Pence demanded an end to the violence with this message: “The violence and destruction that are occurring in the US Capitol They Must Stop and They Must Stop Now. Anyone involved must respect the law enforcement officers and immediately leave the building. ”

Protesta en el Capitolio

Pence added that Responsible for criminal acts will be brought to justice.

Police were able to arrest some protesters, but dozens managed to enter through the entrances to the Capitol. / Photo: REUTERS via BBC Mundo

From the Democratic and Republican ranks, the end of violence and there were voices that demanded the launch of a process of impeachment to remove Trump from power.

Numerous foreign leaders also sent messages of concern and solidarity and the US Department of Defense guaranteed the institution’s respect for the Constitution and democracy.

“We spoke with the vice president, with House Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Leader Mtich McConnell, Senator Schumer, and Congressman Hover on the situation on Capitol Hill, ”Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller wrote in a statement.

“We have fully activated the National Guard to assist federal and local security forces as they peacefully deal with the situation. We are prepared to offer additional support if necessary and appropriate as requested by local authorities. Our staff took an oath to defend the Constitution and our democratic form of government and they will act accordingly. ”

Una protesta pro Trump en Washington
Thousands of people gathered in Washington DC to support Trump this Wednesday. / Photo: REUTERS via BBC Mundo

Restart of the Congress session

The session interrupted by the violent events resumed late on Wednesday, with legislators ready to carry out the certification of the result of the November elections.

Addressing his colleagues in the Senate, Republican Ben Sasse blamed Trump for the day’s unrest.

“This violence was the ugly and inevitable result of the president’s addiction to stoking division constantly ”, he denounced.