Friday, September 20

Ninel Conde's best tips for hair and skin care

Ninel Conde , also known as “The killer hottie” boasts of having a great beauty which makes many wonder how he manages to look like this after 44 years. Today we leave you some tips that she herself has shared.

In an interview she gave for Saga Team gave some of their best “ counttips “. The first one was to take care of their hair after several bleaching and hot products that mistreat the health of the hair. For the singer, the thermal protectors are essential for the heat of the tweezers and the dryers, also ensure that do not contain alcohol so as not to dehydrate the hair and recommends never using tongs with wet hair.

And as the actress also knows that a change is always good, she does not hesitate to cut it from time to time to eliminate hair damaged by the products and thus keep it healthy . On the other hand, for the care of your skin, it says that you should always remove your face or wash your face before sleeping, and during the day use sunscreen.

These simple tips have been with Ninel for a long time and the results she has had are undeniable. Now combine them with your leg routine .

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