Friday, September 20

New York and Jersey leaders call for Trump to be removed “immediately” after congressional riots

Líderes de Nueva York y Jersey piden destituir a Trump “de inmediato” tras disturbios en el Congreso
Violence never seen in the US Capitol


Various Democratic and Republican leaders from New York and New Jersey condemned the violence that took place yesterday in the National Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump, and some called for him to be removed before his official term on 20 from January, amid the rejection expressed by politicians across the country.

Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY), who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, joined all the Democratic panel members in to send a letter to Vice President Mike Pence imploring him to invoke the Amendment 25, which would facilitate the removal of Trump from his ca rgo through an agreement between the vice president and the majority of the cabinet.

Ritchie Torres , representative (D-NY) just sworn in on Sunday, spoke with Pix 11 yesterday while taking refuge in an undisclosed location inside the Capitol, where at least 4 people were killed in the unpublished assault.

When asked if Trump can end the violent occupation in Parliament, Torres said that “the damage has already been done. Never in the history of our country has there been an attempt by a sitting president to instigate a violent mob to storm the Capitol and disrupt the counting of presidential votes. This is the greatest assault on American democracy in the modern history of our country. ”

“ When you are interfering with the counting of presidential votes and with that it should be a peaceful transfer of power, I would certainly describe it as a coup ”, added Torres.

In the same terms, the NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, issuing a statement amid the Capitol riots, calling them “attempted failed hit.”

“The cornerstone of our democracy is the peaceful transfer of power. We must call this what it really is: a failed coup attempt. This is the final chapter of an incompetent, cruel and divisive administration that has trampled on the Constitution and the rule of law at all times, and we will not let President Trump, the members of Congress empower it, or the lawless mob that broke into our nation’s Capitol steal our democracy. The results of the elections are clear and the will of the American people will be carried out, ”emphasized Cuomo’s statement.

The New York Congresswoman (D-NY) Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) also condemned the events. “I was entrenched for several hours. I’ll tell everyone later ”, wrote on Twitter. “For now, we should focus on “The task at hand: preserve the integrity of our democracy, hold those responsible for their attempts to subvert our nation’s elections and destroy our Constitution”.

“My staff and I are safe and the Capitol Police have taken us to safety. All those responsible for this violence and anarchy must stop. This is absolutely unacceptable and anti-American, ”he stated Nicole Malliotakis (R), another newly sworn-in NY Representative.

Legislator Yvette Clarke (D-NY) called the events “internal terrorism” and claimed that the nation is ” at risk of a coup ”. In the same vein, his colleague representative Nydia Velázquez (D- NY) and the Senator (D-NJ) Bob Menéndez.

Rookie legislator Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) also requested the immediate removal of Trump from office and expressed support for Congresswoman Cori Bush (D-Missouri) call for to expel to the Republican members of Congress “who incited the attack on the Capitol” . Velázquez also announced his support for that idea of ​​Bush, limited

New Jersey Senate Leaders Tom Kean (R) and Loretta Weinberg (D) issued a joint statement. “What we are witnessing in Washington is not how our democracy is supposed to work,” expressed. “Protesters who have illegally violated the US Capitol building must go home immediately or face the full force of the law.”

My staff and I are safe and following guidance from Capitol Police.

The scene in the Capitol goes against every value we pledge to uphold as a nation. Democracy will prevail.

– Senator Bob Menendez (@SenatorMenendez) January 6, 2021

Was barricaded in for several hours. I’ll tell y’all about it later.

For now, we must focus on task at hand: to preserve the integrity of our democracy, hold accountable those responsible for their attempts to subvert our nation’s elections and shred our Constitution apart.

– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 7, 2021

After being in the House chamber to certify the results of a fair and free election, I am now sheltering in place.

The President and every single Republican who incited and encouraged this behavior must denounce it immediately.

– Rep. Nydia Velazquez (@NydiaVelazquez) January 6, 2021

My staff and I are safe and have been brought to a secure location by the Capitol Police. Everyone who is responsible for this violence and lawlessness must stop. This is absolutely unnacceptable and un-American.

– Nicole Malliotakis (@NMalliotakis) January 6, 2021

This is domestic terrorism. Period, full stop.

We are in throngs of a coup because @ realDonaldTrump refuses to respect the will of the American people.

The eyes of the world are on us right now. Democracy will prevail.

– Yvette D. Clarke (@RepYvetteClarke) 1346971953106661384 January 6, 2021