Friday, September 20

How to connect with your guardian angel and receive the messages he sends you

Feathers are a symbol of angels. Photo: Julian Hanslmaier / Unsplash

The guardian angels are those spiritual beings who are in charge of guiding us towards the path of good and protect ourselves during that journey. While we cannot see his divinity materially, manifest through messages that most of us are not able to perceive , but there they are.

According to the Bible, these celestial beings are the closest to humans and are the messengers of God on the earthly plane , so it is not uncommon for them to try to communicate with us.

Also reads: What is your protective angel according to your date of birth

We all have a Guardian Angel from the moment we are born. He knows everything about us (even the most intimate thoughts), so the first thing we must do to connect with him is to know his fundamental characteristics such as his name.

How to connect with your guardian angel Ideally, prepare the environment to establish the connection. According to an article by WeMystic , angels don’t like dirt or clutter, factors that encourage negative energy. If you intend to contact him, you must clean and order the space where the “call” will take place .

The smells are also important as they harmonize and cleanse the aura. Add flowers, incense or scented candles to the environment to make connectivity easier.

Once the environment is harmonized, it is the body’s turn. Sit in a quiet place and choose a comfortable position ; Remember to dress lightly. Relax your body and soul by taking five deep breaths and try not to think about anything, just your breath. When you feel ready, say a prayer. Experts suggest having a psalm on hand as they have an intense energetic and vibratory effect on the aura . Once you finish praying, say hello to your angel as he should be nearby. Speak in a low voice or even mentally.

Talk to him about what worries you, ask him for advice or just say thank you. Be aware that he is listening to you and will communicate with you through a signal such as a dream or clarity of thought. Always remember to thank him.

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