Friday, September 20

Donald Trump blames Mike Pence for chaos in Washington as supporters storm Capitol Hill

The opinion


“Mike Pence did not have the courage to do what he should have done to protect our country and our Constitution,” he said. Donald Trump through his Twitter account. “Mike Pence had no the courage to do what he should have done to protect our country “says Donald Trump on his Twitter account. Photo: EFE

By: EFE 23 from January 2021

The outgoing US president, Donald Trump, blamed this Wednesday on his vice president, Mike Pence, from the chaos in Washington for not having assumed powers that the Constitution does not grant him to revoke his electoral defeat, while his followers stormed the Capitol.

Trump, who was in the Oval Office as his supporters stormed the Capitol and entered the the House of Representatives, did not ask his supporters to leave Congress and instead fueled the tensions that sparked the assault.

“Mike Pence did not have the courage to do what he should have done to protect our country and our Constitution (…). America demands the truth! ”Trump wrote in a first tweet as his followers entered the strength in the Capitol.

In a second tweet, ten minutes later, the president added: “Please support our Capitol Police and security forces. They are truly on the side of our Country. Be peaceful! ”

However, Trump did not go so far as to ask his followers to stop, and shortly after they stormed the plenary of the House of Representatives and shots were heard, while tear gas was detected under the dome of the Capitol.

According to press reports, at least one person was shot in the assault by pro-Trump protesters on the Capitol.

Both the Senate and House of Representatives were evacuated, and Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser declared a curfew to from 6 pm (23: 01 GMT).

The assault on Congress occurred when both houses held a session to corroborate the electoral victory of Democrat Joe Biden , in the presidential elections last November.

The followers of the president, who had flocked to Washington summoned by Trump, who harangued them at a rally in front of the House Blanca, then went to the Capitol and broke in.

Pence, who was chairing the session in Congress, had sent a letter on Wednesday to the congressmen, in which he clarified that he cannot revoke the results of the elections.

“ It is my thoughtful judgment that my oath to support and defend the Constitution prevents me from claiming unilateral authority to determine which electoral votes should be counted and which should not, ”Pence wrote to congressmen.

Keep reading: Order curfew in Washington, DC, for violence Trump uitors

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