Friday, September 20

Cuomo Proposes Again to Legalize Recreational Marijuana Use in New York

The same day that the first session of the State Legislature was held in Albany for the period 2021 – 2022, the Governor Andrew Cuomo announced on Wednesday a new proposal to legalize and create a comprehensive system to monitor and regulate the use of marijuana in New York as part of the State of the State of 2021.

Under the proposal, a new Office of Cannabis Management would be created to oversee the new adult use program, as well as the medical marijuana programs that already exist in the state.

In addition, a structure will be created equitable for the adult use market by offering licensing opportunities and assistance to entrepreneurs in communities of color who have been disproportionately affected by war ra against drugs. Once fully implemented, legalization is expected to generate more than $ 300 million in revenue prosecutors.

“Despite the many challenges New York has faced in the midst of the COVID pandemic – 19 , has also created a series opportunities to correct long-standing mistakes and rebuild New York better than ever, “said Cuomo.

The governor added:” Legalization and regulation of the adult cannabis market not only will provide the opportunity to generate much-needed income, but will also allow us to directly support the individuals and communities that have been hardest hit by decades of cannabis prohibition “.

In the past period of legislative sessions also presented a bill to legalize the recreational use of grass , and the same Cuo mo had presented another proposal that was part of the priorities of his first 100 days of government, but none of the initiatives were voted in Albany.