Friday, September 20

Congress will resume tonight the session interrupted by the assault on the Capitol

The opinion


Nancy Pelosi addressed a letter to her colleagues informing that the session will continue tonight, once the authorities expelled the Capitol raiders Police guard the Capitol at the start of the curfew. Photo: MICHAEL REYNOLDS / EFE

The Speaker of the Lower House Nancy Pelosi said in a letter sent to his colleagues in Congress that made the decision to continue the session of the Congress interrupted by a mob of pro-Trump supporters who occupied the Capitol, after consulting with his leadership team and holding a series of calls with the Pentagon, the Department of Justice and Vice President Mike Pence.

Pelosi did not mention the president in her letter.

JUST IN: Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that “in consultation with Leader Hoyer and Whip Clyburn and after calls to the Pentagon, the Justice Department and the Vice President, we have decided we should proceed tonight at the Capitol once it is cleared for use. ”

– NPR Politics (@nprpolitics) January 6, 2021

Legislators will resume Electoral College vote counting on Wednesday , hours after a mob of Trump loyalists stormed the Capitol, he said Nancy Pelosi in letter quoted by The New York Tim is , and promised that that attack would not “dissuade us from our responsibility to validate the choice of Joe Biden “.

“We always knew that this responsibility would lead us to the night”, wrote Pelosi . “We also knew that today we would be part of history in a positive way, despite unfounded objections to the Electoral College vote. Now we will be part of history, since such a shameful image of our country was made known to the world, instigated at the highest level. ”

Pelosi also published in his Twitter account: “Today’s shameful attack on our democracy, anointed at the highest level of government, should not dissuade us from our responsibility to the Constitution. Tonight, we will move forward with the certification of the election of President-elect Joe Biden. ”

Today’s shameful assault on our democracy – anointed at the highest level of government – must not deter us from our responsibility to the Constitution . Tonight, we will move forward with the certification of President-elect Joe Biden’s election.

– Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) January 7, 2021

Violence seized the Capitol Wednesday afternoon, when a mob of people loyalists to President Trump broke into the building, stopping the counting of electoral votes in Congress as police evacuated lawmakers to safeguard them, in a scene of violence, chaos and upheaval that shook the heart of American democracy.

>> Washington Capitol: Trump supporters erupt pen in the headquarters of the US Congress and force to suspend the certification of the victory of Joe Biden >> The Capitol now Are you sure. Mayor of Washington warns that the curfew will be strictly imposed Sergeant at Arms, the Capitol’s chief security officer, announced that the building was secured around 5: 40 pm ET.

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