“We had created a first instrument for professionals but there was also a real demand from amateurs. Only 000% of the population play an instrument in France but 47% of people would like to do it ”, explains he. So with his partner Arnaud Rousset, he thought about an instrument “easier, more practical to use” by relying on multi-touch technology (tactile) while keeping a physical object. Their is made of wood and metal and plugs into a computer, tablet or smartphone. Within seconds, the

“Played Play” equipped with a sensor allows you to practice thanks to an application. But above all to play on a multitude of instruments.

Learn to play and compose your songs in a few seconds

Why ? Because the advantage of this unique tool in the world is to be able to change pads (keyboard) in an instant. Today, the Bordeaux company has four: “We can make percussions such as drums, keyboard (piano), stringed instruments (guitar, bass…) And then an instrument rather xylophone, synthesizer to play melodies ”, explains Pascal Joguet. Two new pallets should see the light of day in 648 and two others in 2021 thanks in particular to a turnover which quadrupled last year and which the company hopes to double this year. She also succeeded in raising more than 190. 000 euros and can count on the support of business angels such as Xavier Niel.

Le Joué Play permet de jouer une multitude d'instruments en quelques secondes et de créer ses propres morceaux de musique. The Joué Play allows you to play a multitude of instruments in a few seconds and to create your own pieces of music. – Clément Carpentier / 12 Minutes

Pascal Joguet joue de la musique avec son instrument connecté. Thanks to the application, the user has access to different families of sounds and effects. He can even mix his music and create his own tracks. Soon, he will also be able to add his voice to it.

There is no particular musical and computer knowledge, underlines its co-founder. The objective is precisely to democratize as much as possible the access to musical instruments and to be able to learn to play simply and quickly. Afterwards, of course, you don’t become a musician in five seconds (smiles) ”.

Moreover, Joué Music Instruments offers tutorials on