Friday, September 20

After the peak that the pandemic brought, how to reduce daily alcohol consumption without missing it too much

For many alcohol became a symbol to survive the pandemic . This was demonstrated by the increase in alcohol sales at the beginning of the confinement and specifically online purchases , which during the April to increased by 477% compared with the same period last year.

Also during the pandemic it became even easier stock up on alcohol , which is related to various stimuli. In principle various restaurants and bars , offered as a complement to any food order the most attractive cocktail and mixology kits. Also the new ent services alcohol gift , they put at our disposal everything necessary for the “virtual happy hours” with friends and family, at the door of the house.

It is well known that one of the industries most affected as a result of the pandemic have been the bars , however, being paralyzed, the door was opened to new consumer experiences. Not for nothing bartenders went viral on TikTok and they showed us how to make the most classic and iconic drinks at home. Technology also reached such a degree that even the “mechanical bartenders” were created in such a way that these cocktail machines of high technology for many became a fun tool and popular , in a certain way it will always be attractive to have an artifact that allows you to easily mix drinks on demand with the push of a button.

Although we could continue talking about all the innovations and services that have emerged As a result of the pandemic, is not the objective. The truth is that spending more time at home during a pandemic that has been especially complicated and long, has resulted in a state of increased stress and anxiety. In fact according to a study published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse , these aspects have directly contributed to the increase in excessive alcohol consumption . There is also another very revealing reference , as is the case of the report published in J AMA Network Open ; which found that people drank a 14% more during the pandemic compared to last year.

The good news is that there are signs that this is changing and a countermovement is taking place . According to data revealed by Nielsen , in recent months there has been a slowdown in alcohol sales and the beverage segment “non-alcoholic” is exploding. all you have to do is know the search data related c with the phrase “cocktails without alcohol ” found in up to a 170% in online searches . Which makes us conclude that there is a curious public and sober out there. A clear and forceful example about this new trend, is what it has done Grant Achatz , one of the country’s most celebrated chefs and owner of the acclaimed cocktail bar The Aviary in Chicago, who is turning his attention to the alternatives of non-alcoholic beverages. As demonstrated in his latest cookbook is “Zero” , which includes 100 recipes of non-alcoholic beverages.

So maybe the increase in alcohol consumption has been a temporary issue . And the concerns about its health effects are finally being heard, the truth is that today it is more known than ever that avoiding alcohol consumption is the key to keep the immune system strong and reverse the weight gain in quarantine.

Some tips to adapt to drink less alcohol:

Carolyn O’Neil , Registered Dietitian and Food Journalist at Atlanta recently stopped using alcohol due to hip replacement surgery. Under doctor’s orders not to drink while healing at home and with medication, he explored multiple options to replace his irreplaceable cocktail at 5 o’clock in the afternoon . Now fully recovered, O’Neil continues with his non-alcoholic routine most nights and has marveled at the benefits of this simple practice, leaving the cocktails for special occasions. This is the summary of his best recommendations to achieve it gracefully and successfully:

1. Find a new ritual

For those people who have The custom of to mark the end of the day with a cocktail , the first step to reduce alcohol intake will be to create new rituals not to skip them. Therefore the best recommendation is to keep the night ritual intact , O’Neil advises preparing a tall glass with plenty of ice, tonic water and fresh citrus slices , you will have in a minute the closest thing to a Gin & Tonic, of course without gin! But a good alternative to deceive the taste and the mind . It is a great option that helps us to signal the end of the day , also the sophisticated slightly bitter flavor provided by tonic water is incredibly refreshing and satisfying , so much so that it will make you forget about gin more faster than you think.

Gin Tonic
Tonic. / Photo: Pixabay

2. Update your mixer options

There are several Essential elements when we decide to quit alcohol and one of the most important becomes the mixers. So pay special attention to the options you have on hand, the best recommendations are products like soft and natural tonic waters, like Fever-Tree . Light tonics provide the distinctive bitter taste of quinine from traditional tonics but with less sugar , therefore they are the best option since they provide fewer calories but do not contain the artificial sweeteners found in the dietary tonics . Like the mineral waters with natural touches of citrus or red fruits , they adorn any drink with a refreshing touch that also provides that unmatched sparkling sensation. Among the favorite options are drinks such as the varieties of S. Pellegrino Essenza: Blood Orange and Black Raspberry, Perrier of flavors. Also consider fermented drinks such as kombucha, beers without alcohol, teas and infusions , they are a magnificent complement.

Cóctel sin alcohol

Cocktail without alcohol./Photo: Pixabay

3. Don’t be afraid to restock your bar

When we stop drinking creativity becomes our best friend, in a way it is the perfect time to fill your bar with new and colorful elements. Do not hesitate to have on hand all kinds of natural fruit juices and without added sugars , they are ideal to mix with tonic and mineral water since provide color and flavor. They are also an element that adds a touch bittersweet to drinks. Another great recommendation is to discover the wonderful world of fruit vinegars , they are ideal for adding dynamism to non-alcoholic cocktails with just one tablespoon they will fill every drink with personality. Last but not least, don’t forget to always have fruits fresh on hand such as strawberries, grapes, peaches, apple, pineapple and pear. , citrus such as lime, mandarin, grapefruit and lemon, spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, ginger and pepper, aromatic herbs, the basics are mint, peppermint and rosemary.

Agua mineral
Mineral water with strawberries. / Photo: Pixabay