Friday, September 20

Will Lili Estefan get married? These are the predictions of the Greater Warlock for the famous in 2021

The Greater Warlock released his predictions for celebrities in the 2021 and predicts a a busy year for some of them, highlighting new romances like the one he predicted for the charismatic presenter of El Gordo y la Flaca, Lili Estefan .

And it was precisely in the Univision program where the famous and experienced fortune teller spoke about what the destination to the stars of the moment .

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Starting with Lorenzo Méndez and Chiquis Rivera of those who predicted that there will be no reconciliation.

He continued with Ninel Conde who, according to the tarot reader, would lose custody of his son Emmanuel and his new marriage to Larry Ramos will not go well for him.

One of the couples of the moment is Belinda and Christian Nodal , El Brujo Mayor prophesies that they will not reach the altar and the Mexican regional music singer will end up with a shattered heart.

Likewise, he does not predict a promising future for Carol G and Anuel , who could have problems within the relationship as a result of money. However, the news could be given by Gabriel Soto and Irina Baeva , who, according to the fortune-teller, will be looking for a child and the actress is likely to become pregnant this year.

Problems with justice will continue for the actor Pablo Lyle and El Brujo Mayor believe that he will not be free this year; In this sense, Eleazar Gómez will also continue in jail, but not for long.

Regarding new romances, predicted that Lili Estefan will announce a new romance at the end of March and will marry later this year or the beginning of 2022; As for his program partner, Raúl de Molina, he predicted that he would stay locked up for a long time.

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