Sunday, December 22

What is the healthiest option? A glass of wine or beer

¿Cuál es la opción más saludable? Un vaso de vino o cerveza

Discover the pros and cons around the fascinating world of beer and wine.

Photo: Image by StockSnap on Pixabay / Pixabay

We all enjoy indulging in an occasional treat with our favorite drinks , either for to taste certain foods or for relax from everyday stress. While much has been said about the pros and cons related to alcohol intake, it is worth being informed about the healthier alternatives.

There are no doubts, both wine and beer are two of the most popular and consumed alcoholic beverages in the world. In fact few drinks (with the exception of the typical debate between coffee and tea), divide both the common taste and despite the obvious difference in taste matters ; each affects and affects health in subtle and different ways. Probably the most common questions to make the best decision are Which one is less fattening? Which produces the worst hangover? What are its health benefits? Keep reading, although probably if you already have a favorite, nothing will change your mind.

Beer Pros & Cons:

  • A pint of beer (the equivalent of 20 ounces liquid or 568 milliliters) and a medium glass of wine , provide approximately the same amount of alcohol : between 16 and 24 grams .
  • The Commission E from Germany, you could say is the German equivalent of the FDA , has confirmed the benefits medicinal from the consumption of hops . Especially with regard to mental health , it is associated with great qualities to treat restlessness, anxiety and sleep disorders.
  • The nutritional value of beer exceeds that of wine. And the reason is simple, it is a complete drink that contains protein, fiber, vitamin B, folic acid and niacin , which even make it similar to food.
  • It has a very relevant study , which was carried out in mice and that shows that hops can inhibit obesity.
  • The beer culture has created an interesting community worldwide and new variants come to light every day.
  • According to A study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that especially hops beer can increase bone mineral density , that is, it is considered a good ally for to strengthen bone health and teeth.
  • With close to 125 calories , half a liter of beer contributes 57% more energy content than a co small pa of wine , enough to cause a considerable weight gain (of course if you usually consume it very regularly). It is more relevant to know that craft beers , on certain occasions (depending on the ingredients and production process) may contain more than 300 calories per bottle.
  • Excessive amounts of beer , are associated with symptoms that deteriorate health such as strong hangovers , dependency, heartburn, dehydration and liver damage.
  • Certain Beer varieties may be more expensive, than the wine at Trader Joe’s
  • Beer is not a good option if you want reduce carbohydrate intake or lose weight.

Pros & cons of wine:

  • An average glass of 5 ounces of red wine , contributes only 125 calories. And it is related to other qualities, since it contains 187 mg of potassium which is approximately 4% of daily value. There is also a study , in which it is confirmed that wine provides fiber and is therefore a good ally of digestive health, intestine and is associated with qualities for promote weight loss.
  • There are scientific references who found small doses of resveratro l in red wine, compounds unique that are related to a magnificent anti-aging effect. In turn flavonoids , found in wine can protect skin from harmful UV rays .
  • He white wine is acidic, which can demineralize tooth enamel.
  • For those who suffer from recurring headaches , wine could be a bad alternative. It has a published study in The Lancet, suggests that red wine can trigger migraines.
  • Wine can raise triglyceride levels and high levels of these substances are associated with health problems com or heart disease, obesity, diabetes and kidney disease .

You are probably wondering which is the best or worst option for health , this is a brief comparative summary between the two. It is true that various doctors recommend drink a glass of wine daily , it is even an important aspect of the famous and very beneficial Mediterranean diet . It is believed that a little wine a day can help rejuvenate the body , reduce the risk of heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. Much of its benefits are associated with its content of polyphenols , which are specifically found in red wine and which They have the power to reduce inflammation and cleanse the body of harmful chemicals.

For its part beer lacks some of the medicinal benefits with which it is associated with wine, especially in relation to to its powerful antioxidants , although it also contains polyphenols, it offers more modest properties. And unfortunately a higher caloric intake and of carbohydrates.

Therefore, red wine could surpass beer as “the best medicine” , however this does not mean that the qualities offered by a refreshing glass of beer are omitted. Finally the secret is found in seeking a healthy lifestyle , which is based on moderation and the good balance.