Friday, September 20

Too much food and excesses this end of the year? Try these 5 detox drinks

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to cleanse the body, eliminate toxins and lose weight

¿Demasiada comida y excesos este fin de año? Prueba estas 5 bebidas detox
These delicious natural drinks shine for their purifying and anti-inflammatory potential. They are the perfect complement to recover from any excess.

Photo: Shutterstock

Like all beginning of the year , it is normal that our list of purposes is as priority to lose weight , especially considering that we come from the typical excesses that bring with them the year-end celebrations. The good news is that there are magnificent natural allies to counteract the excesses in sugars, fats, refined flours and alcohol , such that the first week of January is the perfect time to give a rest to the organism and detoxify you.

Maintain our system clean and free of toxins , is the first step to be healthy and is also essential for facilitate weight loss. So that debug to the body at regular intervals throughout the year, not only will it help us lose those extra pounds , it is a habit that is associated with a long list of therapeutic properties. We present 5 options of detox drinks to start the year on the right foot, they are very easy to prepare, delicious, nutritious and purifying.

1. Apple and cinnamon detox water

For those who suffer just thinking about complying with the daily requirement of natural water , the cinnamon and apple water is a delicious, aromatic and irresistible option . Best of all, consuming it throughout the day in addition to a light diet and balanced , is the perfect detox combination. Apple and cinnamon water, shines for its content in phytonutrients and antioxidants , which function as a powerful protector against developing diseases such as cancer, hypertension and heart disease. Also thanks to the content in apple fiber the purification of the digestive and intestinal system and together with the anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamon , it is the perfect ally to combat fluid retention and activate metabolism.

Manzana con canela
Apple and cinnamon water./Photo: Shutterstock

2. Carrot, orange and ginger juice

There is no one most powerful combination to start the day that this juice is simply perfect as it contains everything the body needs to facilitate its debugging so nutritious and natural. Additionally it is the perfect combo for strengthen the immune system , oranges are Dense rich in vitamin C , carrots are loaded with beta-carotene and ginger has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. At the same time they are ingredients that shine for their unmatched antioxidant content, diuretic properties and purifying , which create the perfect detox drink. Just mix the power which brings together a medium orange, a carrot and a one-inch piece of ginger, consume immediately to to take full advantage of its benefits.

Carrot, orange and ginger juice. / Photo: Shutterstock

3. Lemonade with mint

It is well known that the lemonade is one of the detox drinks most popular and is that it is the perfect drink to stay hydrated and delete everything the body does not need. Another of the great qualities that wonderful lemon are his antioxidant power , its great content in vitamin C and a high fiber content. Specifically add some mint leaves , gives you wonderful effects for promote a better digestive process , accelerates intestinal transit and this facilitates removal of fats, salts, liquids and toxins lodged in the body. Both lemon and mint are ingredients that favor the alkalinity of the body , are powerful diuretics and magnificent anti-inflammatories.

Agua de limón. Agua de limón.

Lemon water with mint. / Photo: Pixabay

4. Honey, lemon and ginger tea

This drink needs no introduction, it is one of the natural remedies more powerful for clean and comfort the body. The ginger and lemon , are agents antioxidants and anti-inflammatories of the most powerful, which promote a better functioning of all organs and systems through cleansing and detoxification. It is a drink that also improves skin health , stimulates the metabolism to make it easier to lose weight and strengthens the immune system , especially during the cold winter. Another of his great benefits is related to his power to improve digestion , is ideal to combat constipation. Its contribution in honey gives it a important antibacterial potential , which protects the respiratory and digestive system against the attack of any pathogen.


Ginger tea. / Photo: Shutterstock

5. Chia detox water


chia water is a wonderful plugin to remove everything that the organism does not need and also for lose weight , as chia seeds shine for their satiating power that helps suppress the appetite. One of the great advantages of these tiny seeds, is that are gluten-free and are a powerful ally of digestion and intestinal health. stand out for their high fiber content , which accelerates intestinal transit and regulates intestinal flora , it is worth mentioning that adding lemon is the perfect ally to increase its purifying properties and thus promote the elimination of liquids and toxins , the recommendation is to take a medium glass at first morning time to stimulate metabolism and cleanse the system throughout the day.

agua de chía
Chia detox water. / Photo: Shutterstock

agua de chía

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