Friday, September 20

They demand $ 160 million for the 18 years in prison they paid despite being “innocent”

Exigen $160 millones por los 18 años de prisión que pagaron pese a ser “inocentes”


Photo: Bill Oxford / Unsplash

Two men who spent 18 years behind bars seek millionaire compensation after they prove his innocence.

George Clark and Kevin Harrington presented a federal lawsuit for $ 160 million against the two detectives from Inkster, Michigan .

Related: They declare “innocent” a Hispanic who had been sentenced to 25 years for rape and homicide in New York

According to the complaint, the men say that the investigators forced witnesses to lie to convict them of murder .

Subjects were arrested in 2002 for the crime of Michael Martin. His conviction was overturned in April 2020 after it was proven that Detectives Anthony Abdallah and Kevin Smith forced a witness to involve the men under threat that custody of his children would be taken away.

In the new trial it was proven that there was no evidence to convict Clark and to Harrington .

Related: He was imprisoned 23 years in Kansas for a crime he did not commit and now they will give him $ 1.5 million

“I was a college student. I would have graduated with my business degree, ”Harrington told WXYZ. “It is a very sad thing. One day in prison is too much for something you didn’t do. ”

The real murderer has not yet been caught.