Friday, September 20

Photograph of patient treated on the floor goes viral; Mexico City authorities explain what happened

Patient is treated on the floor of a hospital in Mexico City. Photo: Twitter @esemigue 163 / Courtesy

A man died lying on the floor, in the emergency area of ​​the Enrique Cabrera Hospital, of the Secretariat of Health of Mexico City. The hospital, located on Avenida Centenario, in the Álvaro Obregón Mayor’s Office, is intended entirely for COVID patients – 19 and is saturated.

In spite of this, the patient who arrived by his own means, was admitted and treated upon arrival at dawn on Tuesday, but immediately lost consciousness. He was left lying on the floor and minutes later he died after a cardiorespiratory arrest. As no test was applied, it could not be officially established if the death was a consequence of COVID – 19.

They explain a photo of a patient on the floor of a CDMX hospital

– That Migue (@esemigue 163 ) January 6, 2021

The Ministry of Health of Mexico City explained the case “ On the image that circulated this afternoon on social networks in which observes a person on the floor in a hospital, the Secretary of Health of Mexico City reports that the photograph corresponds to the interior of the Enrique Cabrera Hospital in this a dependency ”, indicated the Secretariat of Health of Mexico City in an information card.

“ He immediately lost consciousness, fell into cardiorespiratory arrest, so in order to speed up his care, the doctors made the decision to perform the maneuvers of resuscitation immediately while on the floor “, detailed the agency.

The Ministry of Health of the capital said that the The deceased’s family received comprehensive care by the City Government institutions.

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