Friday, September 20

Mayan horoscope predictions: Know what your sign is according to your year of birth and what 2021 holds for you

With its spectacular buildings and famous calendars, the Mayan culture is full of mysticism. He gained special attention after he was credited with having prophesied the end of the world (actually predicted the end of a cosmic era), so his horoscope is one of the most consulted .

The Mayan astrology is complex as it is based on three calendars : the lunar or Tzolkin, the solar that they called Haab and a third in which they counted the long eras that is known as ‘Long Count’.

Also read: Find out what sign you are in the Mayan horoscope

With the arrival of the Spanish, the Maya adapted their beliefs with the Gregorian calendar of 12 months . Each year they were related to elements, animals and gods, so your Mayan sign is based on your year of birth .

The configuration was as follows, according to the site For you , where the Mayan Witch launched his predictions for 2021, according to your Mayan sign .

Rain – Years ending 0 They are motivating people who emanate positive energy, try to escape from the routine and their main characteristic is adaptation. The 2021 is related to the Earth, according to the Mayans, so, in combination with the rain, a year of growth and prosperity is augured.

Earth – Years ending 1 They are people maternal, affectionate, affectionate and they are lovers of everything natural. The 2021 is his year, so it is time to be reborn, pave the way again to cultivate and reap successes.

Seed – Years ending 2 Those of this sign are characterized by being hard-working people who like to contemplate the fruit of their effort, but the challenge they have is patience. For this year, everything you do can flourish, however, it will depend on your expectations. There could be new couples and romances.

Wind – Years ending 3 They have the gift of communication, they are also distinguished by their creativity and are restless by nature. The key for this year will be not to disperse. They should be more selective with their projects so that stress does not overcome them.

Mariposa – Years ending 4 They live many lives in one (the butterfly is the symbol of transmutation) and they are characterized because they are always reinventing themselves. The 2021 indicates that they should continue on the path they have set out and it is an excellent time to broaden their horizons.

Jaguar – Years ending 5 They are mystical beings by nature, spiritual and natural healers; they are adventurers and survivors. The 2021 is a year to plan and manage your resources.

Flower – Years ending 6 Like flowers, they are charming but mysterious people. The 2020 was a year that made them stronger, so in the 2021 are more established, they know what they want and are sure they will get it.

Cacique – Years with termination 7 They are people who make decisions for the benefit of the community, group or family. They were born to be leaders and what they give they do from the heart. However, for the 2021 you must act as a person of the group and not as the governor. You will have to improvise as you go.

Conqueror – Years ending 8 Providers of change, they get what they want and nothing can stop them. The 2020 augurs them success, however, they should not forget their partner or family for work since they must remember that their loved ones are the breadwinner its stability.

Sky – Years ending 9 It is said that they are the most spiritual of the Mayan Zodiac, so it is distinguished by their generosity, altruism and companionship. For the 2021 you need to move, that is, act, to achieve success. The challenge is to overcome your fears and limits.

It may interest you: Do you know what your sign is according to the Aztec horoscope?