Le 17 septembre 2019. Des policiers de Vénissieux, vers Lyon, lors d'une opération de contrôle routier. Illustration police.

The 17 September . Police officers from Vénissieux, towards Lyon, during a traffic control operation. Police illustration. – Elisa Frisullo / 17 Minutes

An oversight that may cost him dearly. Tuesday morning, a man from 20 years old, currently in prison in Lyon -Corbas, was taken out of his cell and arrested as part of an investigation

for theft by breaking and entering, in progress for a year.

According to the Rhône security, which communicated today on this case, the man is suspected of having entered the courtyard of a building in January 2020 then having broken the shutter and pushed the door down- window of an apartment to enter. On that day, various items, including watches, game consoles and a computer, had been stolen from an individual.

Judged in immediate appearance

It is by analyzing the fingerprints found on a can of soda left by the perpetrator that the investigators were able to trace back to the suspect, adds

the Lyon police. Placed in police custody, the man admitted the facts. He must be presented to court on Wednesday for immediate trial.