The mobilization was not enough. After several months of dispute and one petition signed by more than 11. 000 people , those opposed to the destruction of the Saint-Joseph chapel, have only their eyes to cry on. The summary filed at the end of December by
the association Urgences Patrimoine was rejected Monday by the administrative court of Lille Nothing is now opposed to the destruction of this chapel of 2. 000 m2 dating from years 1880 and located in the Vauban district of the capital of Flanders.
A university campus will be built at the site of the chapel
Desecrated since 1880, the building belongs to the group
Yncrea which brings together three engineering schools (HEI, ISEN, ISA) and which depends on the Catholic University of Lille. Its leaders decided to tear down the religious building to build a large university campus instead. A project at 80 million euros which will soon see the light of day instead of the chapel. The excavators should quickly land on the site to destroy the building to the chagrin of heritage enthusiasts.