Friday, September 20

Letisia Ruiz: From Homeless to LAPD Sergeant

The mistreatment that her family suffered when a police search of her house was carried out, aroused in Letisia Ruiz her desire to pursue a career as a police officer in Los Angeles, something she had never considered before.

“I was in high school , and it would have some 17 years. During the search of my parents’ house, the policemen treated us very badly and humiliated us. That experience opened my eyes and discovered that I wanted to become an exemplary police officer. A police officer whom the community could trust, not someone who humiliated and inspired fear, ”he says.

But before becoming a police officer One of the most powerful law enforcement agencies in the country, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), Letisia had to overcome many barriers.

LAPD sergeant Letisia Ruiz with her parents Jesús and Carmen. (Courtesy Sergeant Letisia Ruiz)

Daughter of Mexican immigrant parents, was born in Los Angeles into a family of 12 children. She was daughter number 10 of his parents Carmen and Jesús, originally from Michoacán, Mexico. Leticia grew up in the Echo Park neighborhood in the city of Los Angeles. His parents were of very humble condition. “My mother was a tamalera; and my father, a dishwasher. ”

At a very young age, he left home. “Of the 12 to the 15 years I lived with my boyfriend. When at 17 years I was pregnant, my boyfriend abandoned me and I left high school ”.

Become a single mother as a teenager, it was difficult. He lived for a time in a shelter for the homeless. “For 2 years I had the support of the program La Posada for mothers single. If it hadn’t been for them, he would have lived on the street. Until the 17 years, I depended on public assistance, but then I started working; and with the support of my parents, brothers and the day care for my son, I was able to finish high school and go to university while waiting to enter the Police Academy. ”

I was in the Cal State Los Angeles University when he applied to the LAPD. “ Before the search of my parents’ house when I discovered that I wanted to be a police officer, I planned to study to be a pharmacist ”.

LAPD Sergeant Letisia Ruiz, 15 years as policeman. (Courtesy Sergeant Letisia Ruiz)

In 2005, Letisia entered the ranks of the police agency . “I started out by patrolling the streets of the Hollenbeck station in East Los Angeles, an area with a lot of violence and shootings.” It was the same streets, where many times he helped his mother sell tamales.

In 2015 was promoted to Sergeant; and since April 80 from the commander of the Bureau of Detectives at LAPD headquarters in downtown Los Angeles. And it seems that there is no one to stop her in her desire to improve professionally.

“I am excited because I am on the list to be a lieutenant. There are four people ahead of me before my turn comes. ”

Sergeant Letisia Ruiz wants to be LAPD lieutenant. (Courtesy Sergeant Letisia Ruiz)

How far do you want to go?

“As high as possible. My profession is everything to me. There are many Latina policewomen in the LAPD, but few are in higher command positions. ”

Letisia confesses that she is happy to have won adverse prognoses that do not bode well for women who become mothers very young. “ Statistics show that we didn’t even finish high school. I left my house very young. I made my parents suffer, but now they are very proud of what I have achieved and of having a police daughter ”.

She says that she wants to show those who become mothers in their teens that they can get ahead and achieve their dreams. “This country is one of opportunities. I was able to transform a risk story into a positive story. ”

Sergeant Letisia Ruiz with her sons Manny and Ace. (Courtesy Sergeant Letisia Ruiz)

Of course, to achieve it, he had to make many sacrifices.

“By working and studying, I sacrificed time for my son. But I’m satisfied because your 23 years, Manny, my oldest son, is a good adult. He already lives independently, and is dedicated to programming. Seeing the results in him is my greatest reward. ”

And of course, she confesses that her son was always her motivation to improve and get out forward, but also his mother. “ She always taught me to fight, not to give up and to assert myself as a woman ”.

When we asked him what he thinks of police officers who use excessive force or abuse their power in the exercise of their duty.

“In a police agency there is everything. We are humans who make mistakes, but those who use excessive force without any justification are investigated and must abide by suffering the consequences of their actions. ”

Sergeant Letisia Ruiz when she was a child growing up in Echo Park. (Courtesy Sargenta Letisia Ruiz)

In her case, Letisia says that she would like the community to realize that behind her uniform and her police badge, there is a human being who is a mother, daughter and a sister grateful to her family who always supported her to achieve her dream. “Even my older brothers sacrificed themselves for me to study.”

At present, Letisia is also the mother of 6-year-old Ace ; and she’s counting down the days to be promoted to LAPD lieutenant. “ I want to be an inspiration to women and children because no matter what your circumstances are, you just have to have the desire and motivation to get where you want to be “, He says.