Friday, September 20

Karla Martínez radically changes her look

Karla Martínez cambia radicalmente de look

Karla Martínez.

Photo: Mezcalent / Mezcalent

They say that when a woman changes her look she is about to make a major change in her life … And today Karla Martínez surprised us by sharing, on social networks, her new cut and hair color.

We have seen it, with highlights, dark, light, short, long, layered, Chinese, straight and this time he went for wild, light hair with blonde highlights. But that was not all, what was most surprising was the message that the presenter of ‘Wake up America’ wrote in the post he shared.

“Since I was little I liked to change. I was bored of looking the same and always wanted to be different. I cut my hair myself and sometimes I still do that crazy! For the same reason I am not afraid of change. I’ve always been super cool to play with fashion, makeup, and hair! I have had it of all colors and cuts. Hair is like life; Sometimes it needs a squeeze, that you cut off what does not work and that you always seek to renew it! ❤️ ”, wrote accompanying this funny photo.

Karla, like many in the world, faced a difficult 2020. As she was in charge of the information in the mornings of Univision, the COVID – 19 surprised her entering your body. Although she decided to take it in a positive way and think about healing so she could donate her plasma to others who were not having such a good time. Once his body, and especially his antibodies, were ready, he informed himself, he went to a blood bank and made the donation.

This 2021, decided to start it with an aesthetic renovation, and it will not be the only change that could face, as we remember that since the end of December, it was made official entry of the new owners of Univision and with it, surely there will be some new directives.