Friday, September 20

IRS faces problems sending stimulus check

Experts point out that it will take some payments by check, card and deposits

IRS enfrenta problemas para envío de cheque de estímulo
IRS already distributed more $ 100, 000 millions of dollars of aid.


Although it started early with the distribution of the $ stimulus check 600 Dollars, Tax Office ( IRS ) will face problems to continue sending checks and debit cards, experts said.

The above due to the workload of the agency, in the middle of the tax reporting period and other actions to be taken with companies and businesses on the benefits of the $ package 900, 000 millions dollars approved in Congress .

Janet Holtzblatt, Researcher at the Center for Tax Policy at Urban-Brookings, told The Hill that for now the direct sending of funds to the United States has advanced positively, but anticipated that there will be problems.

“We had problems in the spring and I would anticipate that problems will occur now, but not necessarily the same” , he said.

The Treasury Department noted that, so far, $ have been distributed , 01 millions of dollars in direct payments electronically .

It is estimated that the total direct amount to citizens is $ 164, 000 million, but more than $ 50, 000 remaining millions will go in physical payments, where there could be problems, coupled with the return of money for deposits in inactive accounts.

Mark Everson, Former IRS Commissioner of 2003 to 2007 and now Vice President of Alliantgroup , said IRS tasks are complex and to that we must add the distribution of funds .

The agency has been helped by the system implemented to follow the guidelines of the Law CARES on deposits to citizens.

The main problems are with tax preparation companies, such as H&R Block and Turb oTax. The first has recognized that not all its clients have received the payment, despite the fact that they reported taxes in 2019.

“H&R Block understands that stimulus payments are vital importance to millions of Americans. The IRS determines where the second payments were sent… and, in some cases, the money was sent to a different account than the first payment, ”he stated on Twitter.

H&R Block understands stimulus checks are vitally important for millions of Americans. The IRS determines where second stimulus payments were sent, and in some cases, money was sent to a different account than the first stimulus payment last spring.

– H&R Block (@HRBlock) January 5, 2021

Added that it will process its customers’ payments accordingly.

Tool: Get My Payment (in Spanish)