Friday, September 20

In case you had doubts: this 2021 the Mediterranean diet is once again named the best and the ketogenic one, one of the worst

As is tradition, US News & World Report classifies the best diets for next year. In a way, his conclusions about the dietary guidelines most recommended for this 2021, weren’t that surprising . Since fourth consecutive year , the Mediterranean diet: a non-restrictive plant-based eating pattern that has been shown to help prevent chronic disease and promote longevity , it was named the best overall diet.

Said result is neither coincidence nor good luck , since u n panel of renowned nutritionists and specialists in diabetes, heart health and weight loss , selected the Mediterranean diet as their first choice before 39 eating plans. Among the main and most famous options were trends such as the keto diet and commercial options like Weight Watchers, Atkins and Jenny Craig. This year had something different, the panelists with They considered four diets that have not been included in previous classifications: the Noom Diet, the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Diet, the Bowel and Psychological Syndrome (GAPS) and the Modified Keto Diet. Rankings were based on seven categories in which each diet was rated on a scale of one to five. The categories were nutritional balance , how easy is it to follow the diet, long and short term weight loss potential , safety and possible side effects , the potential to help prevent diseases such as heart disease and diabetes was also considered.

The truth is that once again the Mediterranean diet was crowned as the queen and was not only named the best overall diet , but also took the title as the best choice to follow go a healthy diet (together with the DASH) , was ranked as the easiest to follow , the best for diabetes , the best plant-based diet and the best diet for the heart.

In general the report emphasizes on the relevance of the wide feeding patterns , that is flexible , as is the case of the flexetarian diet ; leaving restrictive diets (like ketogenic) last. In a way when examining the three or the top five diets, it is no surprise to find that the only thing they have in common is that they are rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats.

Among the highlights for which the Mediterranean diet continues to position itself in the first place, find the following points : it is a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, low in red meat and in sugar. The best of all is that the concept of the Mediterranean diet is rather a lifestyle that is inspired in the countries that border the Mediterranean Sea ; regions where historically they tend to eat high quality local products. Abundant vegetables, healthy fats ( giving priority to the unbeatable olive oil), nuts , seeds, whole grains , fish and shellfish , and wine in moderation. In such a way that it is a completely sustainable lifestyle , which is based on the consumption of foods rich in vitamins and important nutrients such as fiber, antioxidants and polyphenols, that protect the body against various diseases . Not in vain there is a wide range of scientific references and studies , which endorse the medicinal benefits of the Mediterranean diet: reduces the risk of diabetes, protects the body against certain types of cancers , fights cognitive decline and improves mood . As if that were not enough, it is a key guideline in long-term weight loss , since the benefits of eliminating consumption of processed foods with high calorie content and refined sugars offers exceptional benefits.

Not in vain, the Harvard School of Public Health and a group of experts called Oldways created a diet based on the general principles of feeding of these regions. Many of these areas are part of the so-called blue zones , regions of the world where people tend to live lives longer and healthier.

About the wonders of the Mediterranean diet the most important health organizations have spoken, such is the case of the statements of Clínica May : Since the diet focuses on the consumption of heart healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado and salmon could also reduce bad cholesterol , one of the main causes of heart diseases. Another genius is that the Mediterranean diet does not restrict calories or include rigid meal planning , which helps make it easier to follow and that is why it ranks among the safest diets in terms of unwanted side effects. Finally they found few drawbacks, probably the main one could be in the cases of those who are looking for a more structured eating style or who are trying to lose weight quickly.

On restrictive diets such as keto, Dukan and Whole 30 , not much to say as once again ranked low on the list . In a general way we can say that the diets that US News & World Report rated as low were those that were considered difficult to maintain in the long term and nutritionally unbalanced. For further reference, the main ones include: the ketogenic diet high in fat and low in carbohydrates , which ranked fourth, along with the Biggest Loser diet and OPTAVIA , for short-term weight loss .

Specially called the GAPS diet recently included , it is a guideline that requires the total elimination of grains, pasteurized dairy, starchy vegetables and refined carbohydrates , in fact it remains tied with ketogenic diet for position 37. Proponents claim that the GAPS diet is a natural treatment for conditions that affect the brain, such as autism and also associate it with qualities for improve digestive and intestinal health. Also entered the fray the Dukan diet , a plan high in protein and low in carbohydrates , is placed at the bottom of the list, the main reason was its multiple rules and possible risk of kidney damage. Another of the diets that did not pass the test , is the Whole 30 with one month duration, it is considered highly restrictive since it eliminates all grains, sugars, breads, desserts, alcohol, dairy, legumes and processed foods , not only is it difficult to follow, but it is also not backed by science.

If you are thinking of start the 2021 with the right foot and you are interested in making changes to your lifestyle and diet , these endorsed evaluations by the most recognized experts they will be of great utility to make the best decisions for your health and wellness. Take note!