Friday, September 20

“Healthy” Latino Teen Died From Coronavirus; his family alerts other young people

Adolescente latino “sano” murió de coronavirus; su familia alerta a otros jóvenes

National fatal winter

Photo: Andrés Correa Guatarasma / Courtesy

Arnold Herrera died of coronavirus at 19 years in Chicago, although according to his family he had no previous health problems.

Herrera died on Sunday and his relatives are still surprised by the speed with which his condition worsened . His brother Pablo Portilla said the young man was diagnosed last week and was recovering at home, but his condition worsened hours after ringing in the new year.

“He told us ‘Happy New Year’ and, unfortunately, he only had complications for a full day,” said Portilla. “He was in pain and we took him to the hospital, and that’s it.”

The virus “Does not discriminate by age . It just happens. And we all have to be careful. We shouldn’t think, ‘Oh, yes, because I’m young, it’s not going to happen to me,’ ”Portilla alerted ABC News.

Herrera would have turned 20 years old in March. Records show that the 11 was the 20 years to die of COVID – 19 in Illinois.

Arnold Herrera was diagnosed last week with COVID – 19 and was recovering at home, but his condition worsened hours after ringing in the new year.

– ABC 7 Chicago (@ ABC7Chicago) January 5, 2021