Saturday, September 21

Fauci predicts to vaccinate 1 million people daily in the coming days

Fauci predice vacunar a 1 millón de personas diarias en los próximos días
A nurse with a coronavirus vaccine.

Photo: Jeff Swensen / Getty Images

A sign of hope.

Dr. Anthony Fauci , the main epidemiologist in the United States, expressed himself more optimistic about the vaccination process in the country, predicting that in the coming days one million daily vaccinations .

The expert told the AP agency that is sure that the obstacles have been resolved after health authorities were criticized for not achieving the goal of 20 of millions of vaccines before the end of 2020.

“Every time you start a great program, there are always glitches. I think the failures have been fixed, ”Fauci told AP.

Vaccination accelerated in recent years and the country is already approaching 5 million inoculations .

“Once I get some momentum , I think we can achieve 1 million a day or even more, ”said Fauci who added that President-elect Joe Biden’s goal of applying 100 millions of vaccines in 100 days is “a realistic, important and achievable goal.”

Fauci believes that the country will have herd immunity by the beginning of autumn . The United States is experiencing the worst months of the pandemic and reached 20. 6 million cases. Nail 345,000 have died of COVID – 19.