Friday, September 20

Farewell to Captain Blanco: Real Madrid fans already consider Sergio Ramos lost

There is no hotter topic in the world of professional football than the future of Leo Messi and Sergio Ramos in recent days. It’s that simple: the top figures of the two most popular teams in the world could unite their destinies in PSG as said by the Captain of Real Madrid to Florentino Pérez… Is it true?

The situation is very clear and the camero, flagship of the entity white is considering her future in another team in order to be able to earn more money and more titles , it must be remembered that with Madrid he already won them all in fact a couple of them thanks to him directly.

The future of Sergio Ramos begins to be a headache for Florentino and a wish in Paris.

What would you choose?

🔁 ​​Accept the renewal of the RMA for 1 year with the same salary.

❤️ File for the PSG with greater sue ldo and they promise him that he will play with Messi.

– Luis Omar Tapia (@LuisOmarTapia) January 5, 2021

Ramos is ready to go , but the most surprising thing is that the merengue fans are also ready to let go , at least that indicates the massive survey carried out by Marca newspaper in which there were more than 700 thousand votes and that it yielded revealing results:

First of all, the option that is the club who must score the Ramos renewal guidelines and not the player, swept the 62% The specific weight of Ramos, with everything and its 15 years and 22 titles in Madrid, they do not give him to put him above the club , or at least that is how his fans see it.

What do you think will happen to Sergio Ramos? It was the second question and the answers were the same of forceful: The 37% think they will go The 34 believes that it will follow one year and the 29% who think that in the end there will be an agreement for more than one season.

– Julian (@Julian 81355367) January 4, 2021

The truth is that everything seems to indicate that the Madrid fans, like the Catalan fans with Messi, already They are learning to live without their idols , something that is not easy but it is completely necessary.