Friday, September 20

COVID-19 Pandemic Marks First Day of Sessions at the State Legislature in Albany

Assemblymen and senators hold their first meeting of the next two years virtually

Pandemia del COVID-19 marca el primer día de sesiones en la Legislatura Estatal en Albany
Sessions at the Capitol in Albany will last until June, when summer recess begins.

Photo: Supplied / Supplied

Ramón Frisneda

This Wednesday began in Albany the session of the State Legislature and the first day was marked by the coronavirus pandemic . Both assembly members and senators were unable to be present at the Capitol building , and instead held virtual meetings to start the new legislative period that will last two years.

But another reality that will also be new in this session is that for the first time the two legislative chambers will have one Democratic ‘super-majority’ , which will allow that party to have total dominance with 43 of the 30 Senators and 1 07 of the 150 Assembly members . With this super-majority they will be able to annul vetoes of the Governor without having to make deals with the other parties that have a minority representation, such as the Republican case.

AND precisely about the Governor , on this first day of sessions Andrew Cuomo did not deliver his annual State of the State of New York address, as required by the state Constitution that indicates that this address coincides with the beginning of the legislative sessions . Instead, Cuomo reported that will deliver his speech next 11 from January.

Carl Heastie , who was re-elected yesterday as president of the Assembly, said on the first day of sessions, that next year “our fundamental values ​​will not waver. As we face the global COVID pandemic – 19, we remain committed to providing our children with a quality education and ensuring access to affordable housing, higher education and health care. We will work to put New York in a strong fiscal position and restore our place as a world economic leader. ”

On the coronavirus crisis, Heastie said that we hope“ that our children go back to school safely and get hardworking New Yorkers back to work to set the wheels of our economy in motion, ”adding,“ I look forward to working with all my colleagues in government to continue to move New York forward. ”

Which topics will have priority?

The new session that began this Wednesday will last until 18 June, when it starts summer break. And in these next six months, there are several topics that will have priority in the discussions, the largest being the financial crisis created by the coronavirus . On this point, the Governor and legislators will have to find a way to close the state’s huge budget gap, which could include raising taxes and even making layoffs.

But without a doubt that one of the great hopes that is had in Albany is to achieve the so sought help from the Government federal , which has yet to materialize. The new state budget must be approved no later than April 1, and both Cuomo and the Legislature hope that with the new management of Joe Biden , and possibly a Federal Senate with a Democratic majority, this help can be achieved.

Another topic that will affect the discussions in the Assembly and the State Senate will be the measures that need to be passed to stop the second wave of coronavirus , including possible measures to shut down some sectors of the economy.

But also, it is possible that some proposals that did not pass in the last session will be taken up again, such as approving one law to legalize the recreational use of marijuana ana.

However, before any proposal begins to be analyzed, on this first day of sessions the first thing legislators do is decide what will be the rules of the procedures that will govern the sessions, something that happens at the beginning of each legislative period of two years. And taking into account that these meetings will be held remotely, now more than ever it is more important to decide every detail of how these sessions will work, what participation will be like and what the voting processes will be like. This will include making sure New Yorkers have access to these hearings.

Key Issues in the State Legislature:

  • Financial crisis created by the coronavirus. On this point, the Governor and legislators will have to find a way to close the state’s huge budget gap.
  • This can include a tax increase on the richest
  • Measures to control the coronavirus pandemic such as restrictions and closures.
  • Aid to tenants and merchants, mainly small businesses.
  • One of the hottest topics is the moratorium on evictions.
  • Insist on government help federation, especially now with the new administration of Joe Biden.
  • More reforms to the jud system will be discussed icial, reforms to the electoral system and approve funds for education.
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