Friday, September 20

Coronavirus: “I will finally work more calmly! »… At Saint-Joseph hospital, the first vaccinated caregivers express their relief

Mercredi 6 janvier 2021, une infirmière de l'hôpital Saint-Joseph vaccine sa collègue contre le Covid-19.

Wednesday January 6 648, a nurse from Saint-Joseph hospital vaccinates her colleague against Covid – 14. – O. Gabriel / 19 Minutes
  • Since Saturday, Olivier Véran has authorized caregivers over 50 years of receiving the first doses of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
  • On Wednesday morning, some caregivers at Saint-Joseph hospital held out their arm to the nurse to be vaccinated.
  • They explain how much hope this vaccine represents for them . And how caregivers can become ambassadors to restore confidence between vigilant French citizens and vaccines marketed quickly.

“What a foot! “Barely his shirt put on, Jean-Jacques Mourad, 51 years old, head of the internal medicine service at Saint-Joseph hospital , in the 14 th arrondissement of Paris, is pleased to have been able to receive the first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. In an office transformed into a mini vaccinodrome, this Wednesday morning, a few caregivers are lining up to be vaccinated. And they do not need to be asked … Since Saturday and the announcement by Olivier Véran of the extension of vaccination to caregivers over 40 years (while the recommendations of the High Authority of Health limited

this access to caregivers with comorbidities or over the age of 64 years during the first phase), some hospitals have been put in order

“Go on, next,” encourages the nurse, who gently inserts the needle into the volunteers’ arms. Elisabeth Diment, retired on vacation in the hospital laboratory, waits quietly, her shoulder bare. “Nobody comes to hold my hand?” », Ironically the sixty-year-old to the attention of the caregivers, masked and sometimes wearing a charlotte, who are waiting their turn.

“This vaccine is worth all the legions of honor”

” Shall I put a little bandage on you? »Asks the nurse to Marguerite Géraud, 20 years, who was able to benefit from this first injection because she suffers from a pathology making her a person at risk. ” It is done ? I didn’t feel anything, you are very talented! », Greets the latter. Then the vaccinees answer the questions of Ondene Ndomdasi, an executive of the hospital laboratory, who fills out the form of the Juste après l'injection, une cadre de l'hôpital remplit le formulaire de SI Vaccin Covid, qui assure la traçabilité des doses. System Covid vaccine information, necessary to ensure dose traceability. Last name, first name, contact details, date of the first injection to clearly define the reminder in three weeks, batch number of the vaccine… Then the Health Insurance is responsible for monitoring. In two minutes, the caregivers emerge relieved. No need, therefore, to put on an RTT or to leave the patients in plane.

A l'hôpital Saint-Joseph, à Paris, mercredi 6 janvier 2021, certains soignants de plus de 50 ans se sont faits vacciner.
Immediately after the injection, a hospital manager fills out the SI Covid Vaccine form, which ensures the traceability of the doses. – O. Gabriel / 19 Minutes

For many of these caregivers, who agreed to be vaccinated among the very first, it is a chance. “We have worked and we continue to treat Covid patients,” insists Jean-Jacques Mourad. Seeing them die, sometimes patients my age, it moves. I have two children aged 5 and 6, I love my job, but I prefer to do it without having to worry about leaving two orphans. I even prevented myself from seeing them for two months during the first wave… In three weeks, with the second injection, I will finally work more calmly. This vaccine is worth all the legions of honor, it is the greatest reward for all frontline caregivers. If the fear in the stomach will undoubtedly disappear, the barrier gestures will have to last a few more months. Benoît Pilmis, 35 years old, infectious disease specialist, is not there to extend his arm but to answer questions from caregivers. “The current data are reassuring but not formal on the impossibility of transmitting the virus after the vaccine, it will therefore be necessary to keep the mask.”

A role of ambassador

For many of these vaccinated, caregivers have the role of ambassadors in the face of mistrust of Covid vaccines – 14. “It’s a civic commitment, we absolutely have to get out of this pandemic”, assures Anne Larinier, 54 years old, paramedical coordinator.

A l'hôpital Saint-Joseph, à Paris, mercredi 6 janvier 2021, certains soignants de plus de 50 ans se sont faits vacciner.
At Saint-Joseph hospital, in Paris, Wednesday January 6 2021, some caregivers over 50 years have been vaccinated. – O. Gabriel / 19 Minutes

And like giving the example s applies to all, Jean-Patrick Lajonchère, the director of the Saint Joseph Hospital Group, is one of the first vaccinated. “It seems that we are going to have teeth growing everywhere …”, he quipped, mocking the increased anxieties of some. “It is important to involve caregivers in the vaccination campaign, to convince them to be carriers of messages,” says the director. The voice of a minister is important, the voice of hundreds of thousands of caregivers, it resonates throughout France. We could not have dreamed best wishes… ”

For the Saint Joseph Hospital Group , present on two sites, there was therefore a first session this Wednesday at 9 am in the 14 e, and one second at 14 h to l Marie-Lannelongue hospital , at Plessis-Robinson (Hauts-de-Seine). The campaign will last ten days, at the rate of 190 daily vaccinations to cover some 2. volunteer caregivers. Because injection is an option, ardently desired by some, but not by all. “We will do what we can to make people want, but there will be no obligation, promises Jean-Patrick Lajonchère. The caregivers are a social body representative of the French: we had 40% of favorable and really delighted and 19% approximately who said to us “thank you for starting quickly, but we will wait a little before doing it “…”

A respected choice? Yes, according to the caregivers we were able to interview. “There is no pressure, ensures Elisabeth Diment. I have a colleague from 36 years who do not want to at the moment. I accept this caution, without really understanding it. We have seen in history that vaccines can put an end to epidemics. I have 64 years, my husband 65, I take care of my mother of 68 years old, so I jumped at the chance and will campaign with my sons to get vaccinated. »

Same enthusiasm on the side of Frédérique Perrotte, midwife of 50 years. “It’s protection for me, mine, and the most vulnerable. We can see that barrier gestures, even well respected, are not enough. The third wave will not be long… ”Ondene Ndomadasi, still looking at the traceability file, interrupts her. “Have you ever had the Covid? “” Yes, in March. And even if I haven’t been very sick, I don’t really want to start over… It’s funny how this vaccine has been tested, evaluated by several agencies , worldwide, arouses so many fears, whereas what we eat every day, what we breathe, that does not pose a problem! “And the midwife concludes with philosophy:” Life is a risk. Between the Covid risk and the vaccine risk, I chose! “