Friday, September 20

Candela Márquez's house caught fire from a candle

Candela Márquez begins the 2021 with the left foot, because she never imagined that an activity that she carried out daily as a spiritual ritual would turn into an event that would leave her without some of her belongings more valuable and with a huge danger of completely losing her home.

The actress shared on her Instagram Stories that for several years she has used to light a scented candle and retire for a few minutes to Let the essence cover every corner of his home and, although he had never had accidents, now the flame took a different course and severely burned several of his furniture.

“I just got home and found it on fire! I left a candle lit as I always do so that the house smells good. I’m very lucky that I came back earlier than planned and was able to put out the fire in time. I never imagined how dangerous it is to leave a candle burning and how difficult it is to put out the flames ”, wrote Candela.

The Spanish tried to sound her message as a warning to her followers and to give her some sense of humor saying that it was the fault of the entrance of the new year; However, many of them called his attention, as they considered that he had committed an imprudence by leaving the candle lit and leaving his house.

Keep reading: Candela Márquez is seen naked on Instagram, but someone told her that the image was “Scary”