Friday, September 20

Can the meat be refrozen after thawing?

Only under certain conditions is it safe to refreeze meat, either raw or cooked

¿Se puede volver a congelar la carne una vez descongelada?
Keep meats together on one side of the freezer or on a tray so that if they start to defrost, its juices do not get into other foods.

Photo: Kropekk_pl / Pixabay

Although it is generally attempted to defrost only the amount necessary for the occasion, at some point you can defrost excess meat and need to freeze it again. It can also happen that a blackout. Is it safe to refreeze meat? Yes, but not in all cases.

Refreezing meat when you shouldn’t, not only affects the taste and overall quality of the product, you may be prone to a food poisoning .

When is it safe to refreeze meat

Once the food is thawed in the refrigerator (working), is safe to re-freeze without cooking. After cooking raw foods that were previously frozen, it is also safe to freeze cooked foods.

No food should not be refrozen out of the refrigerator for more than 2 hours or for 1 hour in temperatures above 90 ° F.

If there was a power outage?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) point out that you can safely refreeze thawed foods if they still have ice crystals or if they are at one Temperature of 40 ° F or less.

If the doors remain closed, the food will be safe at most 48 hours in a full freezer and 24 hours in a half full freezer.

In a power outage, if the meat was not frozen (was refrigerated) and has been preserved by on top of 40 ° F for more than 2 hours is not safe for consumption and must be discarded according to FoodSafety .gov

After 4 hours without electricity , are due dispose of perishable foods that were not kept on ice or other cold source a 40 ° F or less . Examples of these foods are beef, poultry, fish, eggs, and leftovers.

Discard any food that has been contaminated by raw meat juices.

Is cooked cooked meat safe to re-freeze? Same as with raw meat. If cooked food is thawed in the refrigerator, it can also be refrozen. Remember that leftovers must be frozen within a period of no more than 3 to 4 days after preparation.

How long to keep the meat in the freezer

Food that is refrozen may decrease in quality due to moisture lost when defrosted.

Frozen food remains safe indefinitely. For purposes of quality recommends that meat, raw steaks or chops remain in the freezer for 4 to 12 months ; raw ground meat, 3 to 4 months; cooked meat for 2 to 3 months; raw whole poultry 12 months; birds in parts 9 months; giblets from poultry 3-4 months and cooked poultry 3-4 months.

Raw meat and poultry maintain their quality for longer than when frozen after cooking because moisture is lost during cooking.

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