. doses of anti-Covid vaccine currently available in the region, carefully stored in four super-freezers at – 75 ° C. “It is sufficient for the moment with a restocking which will be done gradually for the seconds injections ”, specifies the director of ARS Bretagne.

Four vaccination centers in hospitals in the region

Health establishments are also in the starting blocks to vaccinate their staff. Four vaccination centers have just been set up in the main Breton hospitals. They will be able in particular to welcome professionals in liberal, nurses, midwives as well as firefighters or home helpers as announced this Tuesday morning the Minister of Health Olivier Véran.

Résident de l'Ehpad Hôtel-Dieu à Rennes, Serge est la première personne à s'être fait vacciner en Ille-et-Vilaine ce mardi après-midi. “We hope to be able to vaccinate several hundred people as of this week”, emphasizes Véronique Anatole-Touzet , Director General of Rennes University Hospital.