Monday, June 3

Puerto Rico goes for the second dose of vaccines against the coronavirus

Puerto Rico va por la segunda dosis de vacunas contra el coronavirus

Jahaira Alicea, the respiratory therapy specialist who treated the first case of COVID – 19 in Puerto Rico, was vaccinated with the dose of Pfizer at Ashford Hospital.

Photo: Ashford Hospital / EFE

By Osman Pérez Méndez

PUERTO RICO – In an atmosphere of optimism and confidence, dozens of employees of the Ashford Hospital received this morning the second dose of COVID vaccine – 19, without So far no case of adverse reaction to the vaccine has been reported.

In fact, as they have been able to confirm, the vaccinated already report the presence of antibodies in their system, which would be giving them the protection sought with the vaccine.

The infectologist Miguel Colón commented that about the 80% of employees, doctors and nurses have been vaccinated and have registered “almost no side effects”.

“And the important thing is that 100% of people who got the antibodies, the rapid test we call, in do s weeks he has developed antibodies. That means this vaccine (from Pfizer) is extremely effective. For us at Ashford Hospital it is 100%, not 95% as the general population. So it has truly been an excellent experience ”, assured the doctor.