Friday, September 20

Niurka is going to burst and without healthy distance, while promoting her line of masks

If there is someone who likes to attract attention regardless of whether it is good or bad situation is Niruka Marcos and this time he was again the target of criticism after posting images of his vacations with a group of friends where they are clearly seen without respecting the healthy distance measures.

At the end of last year, the actress called for people not to have parties or family gatherings and to take care of themselves using her line of masks, which intensified Instagram users when they saw her publications and began to criticize her.

“Does he heal distance, stay at home and wear face masks, where was my Niurka? ?, “You, who give the propaganda of your masks”, “How outrageous, do you think that with 2021 the covid is over?” , these are just some messages that are read in your vacation postings.

It is unnecessary to know that the star is not afraid of what is said about her, and proof of this was that Without fear, she showed, not in one, but in a series of publications, the repeated times that neither she nor her companions cared about the existence of the virus.

It should be noted that the actress has been one of the few who has said she believes in how delicate and dangerous the coronavirus is, but after sharing how much fun she had over the weekend, despite being in the middle of a pandemic, she has already lost credibility and disappointed many.

Keep reading: Natti Natasha causes a stir in networks for showing her face without makeup