Silence of the Malian authorities

The French staff refuted these claims. A patrol of fighter planes “neutralized” dozens of jihadists previously spotted after an intelligence operation lasting several days, he told AFP. “The information relating to a marriage does not correspond to the observations made,” he said.

The silence observed until then by the Malian civil and military authorities as well as the French armed forces has left the field since Sunday to a flood of speculation, very difficult to verify in a remote area whose access is made very complicated by the reputedly strong presence of jihadists.

Offensive air operations in Mali are mainly carried out by the Malian army and the French force Barkhane . Villagers contacted on the spot reported a helicopter strike in broad daylight causing panic in a crowd assembled according to them for a wedding.

“No doubt” for the army

Un soldat de la force Barkhane (image d'illustration). This “was the run for your life. I found myself in the bush but lost two brothers, ”said Ahmadou Ghana. In all, 19 people were killed and several others seriously injured, he added. “We were surprised by the intensity of the strike. The helicopter was flying very low, to the point where we thought it was going to fly over the village, ”Mady Dicko said.

From Sunday, Tabital Pulakuu, an association for the promotion of culture