Friday, September 20

Is it true that 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away'?

The consumption of apples brings many benefits to the body

¿Es cierto que ‘Una manzana al día mantiene al doctor en la lejanía’? ¿Es cierto que ‘Una manzana al día mantiene al doctor en la lejanía’?

Although the consumption of apples is recommended, a doctor should be consulted to see if they are being consumed in excess.

Photo: Pexels

There is a common saying that goes like this: “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. As indicated by Healthline , this saying seeks accentuate the properties of the apple to improve our health so that we do not need to go to the doctor.

It is true that apples are fruits nutritious and beneficial for us , but perhaps they are not enough to keep us healthy enough and not have to go to the specialist for some kind of illness.

Nutrients present in apples

Apples contain important nutrients that are necessary for our well-being, such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants . For example, in a medium-sized apple we can find the following nutrients in specific amounts:

  • Calories: 95 kilocalories
  • Carbohydrates: 25 grams
  • Fiber: 4.5 grams
  • Vitamin C: 9% of Daily Value
  • Copper: 5% of Daily Value
  • Potassium: 4% Daily Value
  • Vitamin K: 3% of the daily value

Vitamin C in particular acts as an important antioxidant for the neutralization of components harmful to the body such as so n the free radicals , which promote cellular oxidation .

Apples are also an important source of substances like quercetin, caffeic acid, and epicatechin.

The apple is a big ally if our goal is to lose weight. Source: Unsplash

Health benefits of the apple

The apple is attributed different health benefits that would account for of its usefulness to achieve and maintain a state of well-being. These benefits include the following:

  • Heart health : it is possible that apple consumption is associated with reduced associated risk some chronic diseases, including heart disease .
  • Cancer prevention: there is also research that indicates that apples could prevent the development of colorectal cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, and others.
  • Weight loss : by your fiber content, apples promote a feeling of fullness, causing us to eat less. Consequently, our caloric intake decreases.
  • Bone health : Human and animal studies have suggested that apple consumption may be associated with increased bone density and lower risk of osteoporosis.

Possible setbacks in daily apple consumption

Although eating 1 apple a day is tempting for the benefits that we could perceive from it, there are also risks to which we would be exposed and that is worth knowing.

The increase in fiber intake that can occur due to the continuous consumption of Apples can lead to discomforts such as stomach pain, bloating, and gas .

On the other hand, and as with other fruits, in the apple we found a significant carbohydrate content. While this is not a problem for most, those who must follow a ketogenic diet could think better of it before eating apples.

Regardless of whether or not you include apples in your power supply , in the same way you should see a doctor from time to time for typical routine check-ups , so that you do not neglect your state of health and be aware of what is happening with your body to have a healthy diet.

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