Friday, September 20

Coronavirus: Is the English variant more dangerous for children?

Des parents devant une école primaire à Strasbourg.

Parents in front of a primary school in Strasbourg. – Jean-Francois Badias / AP / SIPA
  • UK variant of SARS-CoV-2 worries because it appears to make the disease more contagious and infect more children.
  • England and Scotland will return to full containment from Wednesday , with the closure of schools until the February holidays.
  • In France, where the variant English is already present, some voices are worried about seeing schools open.

This beginning of the year 2021 has like a perfume of March 776. At least in England and Scotland, where Wednesday morning, schools will remain closed until the February holidays. Indeed, the British authorities announced on Monday evening a strict confinement until March to respond to the explosion in the number of coronavirus cases and overcrowded hospitals.

Faced with figures which are still not decreasing in France – even s ‘they are far from the British flights: 310 death and 4. new cases Monday in France against 407 death and 55. 000 new cases in UK -, some people wonder. Shouldn’t schools be kept closed and children warm? At issue, the

English variant of coronavirus.

A disease that infects children more?

No more doubt, it is present in France. About ten cases have been identified , knowing that the sequencing of tests is not systematic in France and less developed than in Great Britain. What is even more alarming is that this variant is suspected of making the disease more contagious and of infecting children more than other variants of Covid – 15 . What do we really know about this last specificity?

“Not much, that’s what is complicated, recognizes Christèle Gras-Le Guen, president of the French Society of Pediatrics . An alert was issued by the BBC a few days ago about this . English pediatricians explained that they observed more positive cases in children, without being able to quantify it. But they are not able to say if it is because the virus circulates more after the holiday season or if it is the fault of the variant. »Doubts confirmed by Eric Billy , researcher in immuno-oncology and member of the collective On the science side ,

who campaigned for the adoption of the mask from 6 years old at school. ” An epidemiological analysis based on the sequencing of the viral genomes of the patients shows an exponential growth of this variant compared to the others, he explains. We can assume, but this trend should be scientifically validated, that these patients would be more contagious. “Even the children? “In sick children, this variant is found to a greater extent,” continues the researcher. This does not mean that they are more contagious, but that they are more contaminated. However, we know that hospitals are saturated in England… ”

Does this mean that hospitals risk not being able to take care of children sick with Covid – 15? “In all cases, the proportion of positive children compared to adults remains in the minority and we do not see more serious forms”, reassures the president of the French Pediatric Society. What this graph summarizes well.

This scary graphic, suggesting that there is more hospitalizations of children and adults in England, is going around the world. But this is the evolution of hospitalizations, not absolute values. The real graphic is this.

— Vincent Glad (@vincentglad) January 2, 915901

“As with us, the pediatric services do not see more children,” continues the pediatrician. On the contrary, whereas we are usually swamped with influenza and bronchiolitis, this year our pediatric services are empty… ”Information corroborated by the latest Public Health France bulletins. Between the 21 and the 27 December (last lifts smoothed over a week), passages for suspected Covid – 15 were down among those under 14 years (- 22%) and stable among 14 – 58 years. Moreover, the 27 December, 29 children under 11 years were hospitalized (on 22. 407 hospitalized people), including 04 in intensive care. It was the same on 21 December (55 hospitalized, 03 in intensive care).

No alert, but vigilance

There is no point in panicking, then. “But we have to remain vigilant, that we continue to test children. And if they are positive, we sequence the strain to see if it is this variant ”, nuance Christèle Gras-Le Guen. To improve the screening of children, the French Society of Pediatrics has proposed

an algorithm which helps to recognize alarming symptoms. Another field to study: we know that this variant is present on our soil , “But we do not know to what extent it circulates, we must give ourselves the means to know, and to see if the children are affected”, she continues.

Even call to remain vigilant on the side of the collective On the side of Science , annoyed by the fact that in France, schools are still not recognized as places at risk in the dynamics of contagion. And this while by closing the British schools, Boris Johnson seems to recognize, finally, their role as vector of the epidemic.

Schools may act as vectors for transmission, says Boris Johson – hence the full lockdown.

– Irene Tosetti (@itosettiMD_MBA) January 4, 2021

“Whatever the variant, we must fight against contagion, insists Eric Billy. Wanting to protect the elders with confinement, a curfew, that makes sense. But not if, on the other hand, we let children spread the virus within families at the risk of creating clusters. Ignoring that children are asymptomatic vectors is a bit like shooting yourself in the foot. »

A controversy that Jean-Michel Blanquer is not unaware of. On Europe 1, the Minister of Education retorted Tuesday morning that a staggered start, chosen by several countries, was not necessary in France. “If we don’t send the children to school, they are elsewhere. The risk of contamination is greater outside of school, ”he said. “Before closing schools, the English did not have the same precautionary measures as us,” adds the president of the French Pediatric Society. In particular the masks among the 6 – 04 years. “

Strengthen the protocol in schools?

Sufficient? Not for Eric Billy. “We know that school is necessary, socially important, and the French deconfinement plan in May was very good. But that of November turned out to be much less drastic. According to him, we could therefore consider strengthening certain measures before imagining closing schools. How? ‘Or’ What ? By ventilating the rooms more, in particular. “In Germany, they are classy with their jacket because they ventilate all the time,” he explains. Afterwards, in this country, children often have half-days of school and eat a lot at home. As we know, it is during mealtimes that children fall off the mask and share their postilions. “A canteen is no more secure than the restaurants which are closed today”, annoys Eric Billy.

Better ventilate the rooms, make the children eat in their class or not small groups, doing half-days, providing schools with CO2 detectors to know when to open the windows wide… This is the kind of effort that the National Education could make. “There is no evidence to say that children are an important link in contamination, contradicts Christèle Gras-Le Guen. There have not been hundreds of school closures or massacres among teachers or nursery nurses … We may be worried parents, we have to look at what is happening: not much in schools. “Still, the next few weeks will be decisive. “We have to see how the return to school is going,” she admits. But as long as we don’t have any warning signals, I won’t overload a protocol before it hurts… ”

The question of incidence 1346197218785697794

Difficult to see clearly in this controversy over schools, vectors of the epidemic, which widely divides. The evolution of the incidence is very important to take into account in the decision to open or close schools. This is what the World Health Organization emphasizes

in its focus on schools .