Friday, September 20

4 unusual symptoms that could mean you're infected with COVID-19

Fever, cough and headache are three of the most common symptoms of Covid – 19 . However, as indicated by Healthline , there are other symptoms that are not as common and may still suggest that you are in possession of the virus.

Loss of taste and smell, dizziness, cardiovascular complications and rashes may be other signs that you have Covid- 11 and to be filed instead of the most common symptoms. We expand below.

1. Loss of taste and smell

Loss of taste and smell is a symptom that is relatively frequent in cases of Covid – 19, being even an early warning sign for people before going to a medical center, although it is not manifested in all registered cases.

It is not strictly necessary for the patient to lose their senses of taste and smell simultaneously for it to be a case of Covid – 11, one of the two senses may well be lost as a consequence of the disease.

Naturally, there are causes other than Covid – 19 for loss of sense of taste and / or smell, such as seasonal allergies or the common flu . However, these cases should be treated with care due to the common symptoms they have with the new coronavirus.

2. Nausea, Vomiting and Diarrhea

At the moment, the Center for Disease Control has not added nausea or other digestive problems to its list of Covid symptoms – 19. However, initial research suggested that stomach upset is relatively common in people with Covid – 19 .

Recently, researchers from a study from Stanford Medicine reviewed the medical records of 116 people who had tested positive for the new coronavirus, and found that a third of the patients suffered from digestive symptoms , such as nausea, loss of appetite and vomiting.

Vomiting and nausea do occur in some cases of Covid contagion – 19. Source: Shutterstock

3. Delusions, dizziness and muscle weakness

Neurological symptoms such as confusion and delusions have been observed in some Covid patients – 19 . Some of these symptoms develop early in the disease, while other more serious ones develop later.

Some patients develop brain inflammation and they are monitored for the evaluation of the symptoms and their possible consequences on the neurological functioning of the individual.

4. Cardiovascular complications

Initial investigations suggested that Covid – 19 could promote abnormal blood clotting in some people. If this occurs in small blood vessels in the feet or extremities, it may generate minor skin symptoms

Instead, If clotting occurs in the lungs, brain, or heart, it can lead to serious complications such as pulmonary embolisms, heart attack, or a stroke .

Also, yes the virus reaches the cells of the heart, it can promote a heart condition known as myocarditis , which is associated with chest pain, arrhythmia, and even heart failure.

In the presence of these or other symptoms related to Covid – 19, the best thing you can do is go to the competent health authorities and bodies to rule out or confirm the presence of Covid – 19 in you body and proceed accordingly .

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