Friday, September 20

What kinds of acids help facial skin and what are they for?

These acids should be the only active component you use at the moment

Qué tipo de ácidos ayudan a la piel del rostro y para qué sirven
Remember to consult with your dermatologist before applying any product to your skin.

Photo: Shutterstock

The characteristics of the facial skin are not the same as those of the rest of the body. As indicated by Stylist , facial skin requires special care , and this is seen when examining the types of acids that are useful for facial care.

Certain types of acids will help us achieve a best care of our face , but that requires us to make responsible and correct use of them to receive the results we expect.

What acids help facial skin?

There are two main types of acids that help skin face: AHA (Alpha-hydroxy acid) and BHA (Beta-hydroxy acid). In theory, these are very similar acids to each other, but they are different in terms of molecular size.

The above also implies that these acids work on different layers of the skin and, therefore , have different benefits.

The best known and most popular AHA is the glycolic acid , which has the smallest molecular size of all acids. This allows to penetrate deeper into the skin , which is related to its fast acting effects.

Among the BHAs, the only one that would be useful for facial skin would be salicylic acid. This is more suitable for oily or acne-affected skin as it not only exfoliates the surface, but can also penetrate into pores and remove excess sebum .

Crema piel
The recommendation is to use these acids at night. Source: Shutterstock

What is the best time to use these acids?

The other elements that you include and use in your beauty routine will determine what is the best time to apply acids for skin care.

Under ideal conditions, these acids should be used at night , and also they should be the only active ingredients you are using at the moment. The above does not apply to products that use acids together with other ingredients.

For example, if you use an ingredient that only contains retinol, then you should not use the acids for skin care, but it is safe to use a product that contains some of these acids and also retinol .

What aftercare should we have?

You can choose to apply a cleaner with pH balancing ability after using the acid . This will regulate the possible imbalance suffered by the skin after using the acid.

The day after applying the acid you should also use a sunscreen with a minimum protection factor of 30, though the ideal would be 50. This is a good way to protect your skin and ensure that the acid offers the expected results.

Consult with your trusted dermatologist regarding the acids that may be useful for the skin of your face and on the benefits you would receive from each of them in order to make an informed decision.

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