Friday, September 20

What Immigrants Should Avoid With Processes Before USCIS, ICE And Courts During Coronavirus Pandemic

Qué deben evitar inmigrantes con procesos ante USCIS, ICE y tribunales durante pandemia de coronavirus

Immigrants must continue with their migration processes even during the coronavirus pandemic.

Photo: John Moore / Getty Images

The fear of contagion to coronavirus can lead immigrants to avoid continuing with their immigration processes in court, consult a lawyer or promptly monitor their processes at the Immigration and Customs Control offices ( ICE ) and Citizenship and Immigration Services ( USCIS ), but it is the worst mistake they can make for their stay in the United States.

This is how he explained it The doctor. Nelson Castillo , of Immigration Today, who indicated that there are options so that people do not expose themselves all the time to COVID – 19 , since the first consultations with lawyers can be via telephone or video, to provide adequate advice, especially if the person faces deportation proceedings or is about to lose their immigration protection.

“During the coronavirus pandemic for an immigration consultation it is not necessary for one to have the person in front of him, to be able to talk to him, discuss, answer all the questions he has … and then give him legal advice” , indicated Dr. Castillo.

He added that there are people who go to the other extreme, that is, they want see their attorneys in person all the time, without it being necessary in the early parts of the consultation process.

“All migrat orias are made by phone, but there are people who when you tell them that say: ‘Oh, no, I’m going to wait until it opens and I’m going to call you back’ … and sometimes they have cases that need to be seen immediately, “he warned. . “It is something that people have to engage, they have to understand the situation, they have to engage.”

He warned immigrants to avoid that a notary public or staff of Multi-service offices fill out the official forms to send to USCIS or other immigration agencies, as they may contain irreparable errors.

“It is important to remind immigrants not to go to the notaries to fill out their immigration forms, to the multi-service offices…. They should not go there under any circumstances ”, he indicated. “You better investigate. There are different ways you can seek legal help, there are non-profit organizations, which are authorized by the government, who have people who are licensed, people who are licensed or federally accredited lawyers. ”

Scheduled appointments

Even in counseling with lawyers It is important to follow the recommendations of the authorities regarding due protection.

“After the immigration consultation we need to meet with the client many times because original documents have to be signed to send them to the governments, but people have to take care of themselves, take precautions ”, specified the lawyer practicing in California.

Currently immigration offices, such as ICE and USCIS operate with restrictions, under scheduled appointments and although these can be changed, the ideal is to attend as soon as possible him with the proper precautions, such as social distance, the use of masks and antibacterial gel, measures that will continue even with the new government .

“The US government has given certain extensions to try to accommodate people in these difficult times, but if you do not know, do not understand what the law provides you or cannot let an opportunity pass, ”said the expert. “A lot of those things are advertised on the immigration website, if the person is not following the immigration offices, they may not find out. Sometimes they may receive wrong information. ”

Easy and secure queries

Dr. Castillo indicated that there are people who do not know how to properly use the tools on the internet, but consultations with lawyers are easy by phone and can receive the appropriate guidance.

“In our migrant community there are people from the most sophisticated, studied and with many positive things for them, to people who cannot read nor write or use a computer. We help everyone, “he said. “The key is for the community to engage, to adjust to the new reality that we live in.”


  • Follow the coronavirus care protocols: use of a mask, social distance and use of antibacterial gel
  • Consult a certified immigration expert: lawyer or recognized civil organization
  • Avoid fill out forms before notaries public or in multi-service offices
  • Attend appointments before ICE, USCIS and courts
  • In case of illness it is better to postpone your appointments with immigration authorities on time