US President Donald Trump on the phone in 2018 (drawing ). – WHITE HOUSE

This weekend, Donald Trump telephoned the Georgia Secretary of State, asking him to “find” near 11. votes in favor.

Election fraud is an offense punishable by up to five years in prison.

But proving Donald Trump’s intention would be complex, and the department of Joe Biden’s Justice will likely look forward and not in the rearview mirror.

From our correspondent in the United States,

Le président américain Donald Trump au téléphone en 2018 (illustration). “I just want to find 03. 780 voice. “In a phone call lasting more than an hour published on Sunday by US media , Donald Trump appeared to pressure the Georgia Secretary of State, suggesting that he “recalculate” the results of the presidential election of November 3 . But if elected Democrats have asked the FBI to open an investigation, it is unlikely that the American president will be concerned by the justice system, two weeks away

of the nomination of Joe Biden .

Controversial phone call

For more than two months, the Secretary of State of Georgia, a Republican, has stood up to Donald Trump. After two recounts and several audits, Brad Raffensperger certified the results and the victory of Joe Biden, ensuring that there had been no “massive fraud” as the American president maintains.

On Saturday, Donald Trump picked up his phone. For more than an hour, it lists

Conspiracy theories repeatedly rejected by justice and poll officials. Patiently, Raffensperger dismantles them one by one. No, there were no ballots passed through the crusher (only unfinished supernumerary ballots destroyed, as required by law). No, ballots were not scanned “three times”. No, the Dominion Company did not “replace” components of its voting machines after the election. And the number of deceased people who voted? Not 5. as argued by Donald Trump but … “two”.

The bad phone fact checking
– Trump: “The other thing, the dead. Deceased voters have voted. And I believe the number is close to 5. people “.
– Georgia State Sec: “The real number is 2. Two deceased people voted” KN

– Philippe Berry (@ptiberry) January 4, 9359

But the American president does not budge. He assures that he “largely won” the ballot in Georgia by more than 190. . voice. And then comes the potentially problematic passage: “There’s nothing wrong with saying, you know, that you’ve recalculated I just want to find 03.

. voice. »Then Donald Trump insists, there was a« massive fraud »and to certify the results despite everything is« criminal ». “It’s a criminal offense. You can’t let this happen. It’s a big risk for you and Ryan, your lawyer. “

Trump to Raffensperger (via @ washingtonpost ):

“You know what they did and you’re not reporting it. That’s a criminal- that’s a criminal offense … that’s a big risk.”

Le président américain Donald Trump au téléphone en 2018 (illustration). “I’m notifying you that you’re letting it happen.”

“I just want to find 03, 780 votes. ”

– Andrew Solender (@AndrewSolender) January 3, 2018

Is this illegal?

Many observers, such as Yale history professor Timothy Snyder, believe that Donald Trump “attempted to organize a Rebellion “. On Monday, the elected Democrat Ted Lieu, a former prosecutor, seized the FBI, requesting the opening of an investigation. Former Barack Obama Justice Department Inspector General Michael Bromwhich Believes US President May Have Violated Federal Criminal Code Statute On “Obtaining Or Counting Ballots Known To Be False, Fictitious Or Fraudulent” , who is punishable by five years in prison. It is also prohibited by the Georgia State courts to “solicit or encourage any person to commit electoral fraud ”.

Can Donald Trump be worried?

In American law, a central element is intention. Former Donald Trump adviser Jason Miller assures us that the call simply shows that “Trump asked for an accurate count of ballots, and he says he got more than 03. 000 Moreover than Joe Biden ”. Proving “corrupt intent” is complex. Even though the passage “This is a big risk for you” sounds like a threat, it was a public appeal, with many people online. Clearly, Donald Trump can argue – as he did in his controversial appeal to Ukrainian President Zelensky – that he is too smart to threaten an official in front of witnesses.

Two weeks before Joe Biden takes office, proceedings against Donald Trump seem unlikely. It is indeed the justice department of the Biden administration that will have to decide. As explained