Friday, September 20

Trump supporters will hold “wild protest” in Washington on January 6

Seguidores de Trump harán “protesta salvaje” en Washington el 6 de enero

President Trump has urged his followers to demonstrate this Wednesday.

Photo: EFE / EPA / MICHAEL REYNOLDS / Getty Images


Half a dozen groups faithful to Donald Trump are calling for a demonstration in Washington, DC on Wednesday that the outgoing president has described as “wild” and that will coincide with the meeting of Congress for the formal and final count of the Electoral College votes, which give the Democrat Joe Biden victory in the November elections.

Trump, who has fought and lost in court his claims for alleged fraud in the November 3 elections, added to his disdain for the ballot by pressures for Georgia’s electoral authority to “find” the votes that deny Biden’s triumph in that state.

In a message on his Twitter account Trump has insisted that “it is statistically impossible” that he lost the November 3 elections, and has referred to the conce Incorporation in Washington.

“Big protest in DC on January 6. Be there, it will be wild! ” , he wrote over the weekend.

Different factions that are loyal to Trump present themselves as organizers of the march in the capital and one of them, March for Trump, has summoned its followers stating that “ it’s up to the US citizen ”to prevent electoral fraud.

The Department of Justice and the electoral authorities of the states – including those with Republican government – have indicated that there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud and they have acknowledged the results that gave Biden more than 80 million votes versus about 74 million Trump votes.

“Together with President Trump we will do anything that is necessary to guarantee the integrity of this election for the good of the nation ”, states the group on its website.

For its part, Million MAGA March, which proclaims itself as the official organizer of the demonstration, has invited its supporters to “take part in the greatest political act of Trump in the history of the United States , with a Twitter message accompanied by symbols with the country’s flag, exclamation points and an explosion.

Militias such as Three Percentes, Proud Boys have also promised their participation and Oath Keepers who are already mobilizing caravans with stays in various cities around the country on their march to Washington DC, where they will be prohibited from carrying firearms, as they have done in other demonstrations.

TheDonaldWin group, on its internet portal, has invited participants to “bring their weapons” and, in preparation for the day, the authorities have placed posters in the areas where the demonstration will take place recalling the ban on firearms in the c apital of the United States.

“To members of the public and anyone who participate in demonstrations you are reminded that District law prohibits the carrying of a firearm unless 300 meters from any political activity ”, said Mayor Muriel Bowser in a statement.

Bowser added that “under federal law it is illegal to possess firearms on Capitol grounds and in National Park Service areas such as Freedom Plaza, the Elipse, and the National Mall.”

Thousands of Trump supporters marched through Washington DC in mid-December, many of them in combat clothing, and at dusk at least four people were stabbed near a bar that has become a meeting place for the Proud Boys group.

” It’s a very scary moment ”, said in statements to local television Susnara Taylor, spokesperson for the group “It is scary both for the immediate safety of the people on the streets and, even more so, for the future.”

“We are very concerned about the violent protesters who come to the city” added. “The last time they were here they attacked innocent pedestrians. This is white supremacist terrorism and knowing it, Donald Trump has repeatedly praised them and has summoned these people to flood the streets. ”

Enrique Tarrio , leader of Proud Boys , announced in a statement on the social media platform Parler, that members of his group will attend the demonstrations on Wednesday “with a difference.”

“The Proud Boys will hit the streets in unprecedented numbers, but this time with a difference,” he explained. We will not wear our traditional black and yellow uniform. We will be incognito and will be scattered throughout downtown Washington DC in smaller squads, ”he said.