Friday, September 20

They assure that Eleazar Gómez spent Christmas and New Year in the worst way

Yanira Díaz , cousin of Eleazar Gómez , affirms that the actor spent the December dates alone, while he is being held in the North Prison of Mexico City for allegedly attacking his ex-partner, Tefi Valenzuela .

In an interview for an American television medium, Díaz said that he tried to enter the penitentiary to live with his cousin on the last day of 2020 , but the authorities did not allow it because the bond that unites them is not so direct.

It also revealed that the actor’s mood has deteriorated while waiting for the audience for your case next January 6 of this 2021.

Yes she is sad , but I think it has to be strong and, precisely, that’s what came to, “the woman declared before the cameras of Despierta América.

Gómez has not been able to receive many visits from his mother or sister for health reasons. The first suffers from various diseases and the second became a mother a few months ago.

Yanira Díaz, has remained close to the family and is the one who has been giving more statements about the Eleazar’s process. He has even faced criticism after the comments he made two weeks after his cousin was admitted to the Prison.

“I would tell Stefi to value it, I believe that she as a woman and person has to understand that today she is 15 days in the prison and how sad, because there was love, affection and somehow respect. I believe that he has already paid to society with 15 days in prison until today “He said for a magazine.

Although Tefi Valenzuela, as he is also known, has already forgiven his attacker from the heart, he insisted on continuing with the process until the last consequences because he wants to teach him a lesson and that there is no more victim in the actor’s record.

The actor is awaiting his next hearing next week, when his legal situation is expected to be define.